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2 <br />identify the future cable-related community needs and interests and to review the performance of <br />the cable operator under its franchise during the then current franchise term; and <br />WHEREAS, by letters dated October 11, 2010, and November 23, 2010, from Comcast <br />to each of the Member Cities, including the City, Comcast invoked the formal renewal <br />procedures set forth in Section 626 of the Cable Act, 47 U.S.C. § 546; and <br />WHEREAS, the City and the other Member Cities informed the Commission, by <br />resolution, that they want the Commission and/or its designee(s) to commence, manage and <br />conduct the formal renewal process specified in Section 626(a)-(g) of the Cable Act, 47 U.S.C. § <br />546(a)-(g), on their behalf; and <br />WHEREAS, the City has affirmed, by resolution, the Commission’s preexisting <br />authority under the Joint Powers Agreement to take any and all steps required or desired to <br />comply with the Franchise renewal and related requirements of the Cable Act, Minnesota law <br />and the Franchises; and <br />WHEREAS, the Joint Powers Agreement empowers the Commission and/or its <br />designee(s) to conduct the Section 626 formal franchise renewal process on behalf of the City <br />and to take such other steps and actions as are needed or required to carry out the formal <br />franchise renewal process; and <br />WHEREAS, the Commission adopted Resolution No. 2011-02 commencing formal <br />franchise renewal proceedings under Section 626(a) of the Cable Act, 47 U.S.C. § 546(a), and <br />authorizing the Commission or its designee(s) to take certain actions to conduct those Section <br />626(a) proceedings; and <br />WHEREAS, the Commission performed a detailed needs assessment of the Member <br />Cities’ and their communities’ present and future cable-related needs and interests and has <br />evaluated and continues to evaluate Comcast’s past performance under the Franchises and <br />applicable laws and regulations, all as required by Section 626(a) of the Cable Act, 47 U.S.C. § <br />546(a); and <br />WHEREAS, the Commission’s needs ascertainment and past performance review <br />produced the following reports: The Buske Group’s “Community Needs Ascertainment – North <br />Suburban Communications Commission (Arden Hills, Falcon Heights, Lauderdale, Little <br />Canada, Mounds View, New Brighton, North Oaks, Roseville, St. Anthony and Shoreview, <br />Minnesota)” (July 15, 2013) (the “Needs Assessment Report”); Group W Communications, <br />LLC's, telephone survey and report titled “North Suburban Communications Commission Cable <br />Subscriber Survey (September 2011)” (the “Telephone Survey Report”); CBG Communications, <br />Inc.’s, “Final Report - Evaluation of Comcast's Subscriber System, Evaluation of the Existing <br />Institutional Network and Evaluation of PEG Access Signal Transport and Distribution for the <br />North Suburban Communications Commission” (July 2013) (the “Technical Review Report”); <br />Front Range Consulting, Inc.’s, “Financial Analysis of Comcast Corporation 2012 SEC Form <br />10K” (May 2013) (the “Comcast Financial Report”); and Commission staff’s “Report on Cable- <br />Related Needs and Interests and the Past Performance of Comcast of Minnesota, Inc.,” (July 22, <br />2013) (the “Staff Report”); and