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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION – JULY 14, 2014 4 <br /> <br />Public Works Director Maurer indicated that he was the City’s representative for the TCAAP <br />infrastructure study and commented that the City was paying for a portion of the study (sanitary <br />sewer, water and storm drainage). He reported that the Army was responsible for groundwater <br />and the County was responsible for wetlands. He indicated that the City would be involved in the <br />design of the stormwater system and would have maintenance responsibilities after the system <br />was constructed. <br /> <br />Mr. Horn reported that his goal was to design a stormwater system that meets the needs of the <br />development area. Once the requirements are understood and the design is created, the next step <br />would be to create a feasibility report. Then the expense and cost sharing for the project would <br />need to be further evaluated. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant asked if the size of the stormwater facility was driven by the amount of impervious <br />surface that would be created by development. <br /> <br />Mr. Horn stated that existing and proposed conditions impacted the size of a stormwater facility <br />along with what was necessary to bridge the gap. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden discussed the stormwater ditch that runs adjacent to the spine road. She <br />asked if there was a cost difference between a full-length ditch versus ponds. <br /> <br />Mr. Horn explained that ponds would require excavation and the ditches would require pipes. <br /> <br />Further discussion ensued regarding ditches versus ponds along the spine road. <br /> <br />Ms. Engum commented that the Council would need to consider if the ponds would have water <br />standing in them at all times, and if this water needed to be circulated or treated to maintain a <br />proper level of water quality. <br /> <br />Councilmember McClung asked if the majority of the stormwater from the TCAAP site would <br />drain through the green spine to Rice Creek. <br /> <br />Ms. Kunkel discussed how water currently flowed through the site noting the majority would <br />flow to Rice Creek. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant recommended that the Council discuss what they would like to see on the TCAAP <br />site. He noted that based on comments expressed to date, the Council wants water in the ponds at <br />all times and that the ponds be free of algae or stagnant water. He felt that the stormwater <br />treatment ponds would be considered an amenity. <br /> <br />Councilmember McClung stated that his ideal vision was similar to that of Centennial Lakes. <br />He understood that the City may not be able to create something to the same extent, but hoped to <br />have three or four larger bodies of water that were connected through a meandering brook that <br />flowed into the Rice Creek system. This would turn the stormwater treatment system into an <br />amenity rather than a system of ditches. He wanted this development to be differentiated from <br />other sites. <br />