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About ULI–the Urban Land <br />Institute <br />ULI–the Urban Land Institute is a nonprofit edu- <br />cation and research institute that is supported by <br />its members. Its mission is to provide responsible <br />leadership in the use of land in order to enhance <br />the total environment. ULI sponsors educational <br />programs and forums to encourage an open <br />exchange of ideas and sharing of experiences; initi- <br />ates research that anticipates emerging land use <br />trends and issues and proposes creative solutions <br />based on that research; provides advisory services; <br />and publishes a wide variety of materials to dissemi- <br />nate information on land use and development. <br />Established in 1936, the Institute today has more <br />than 18,000 members and associates from more <br />than 60 countries representing the entire spectrum <br />of the land use and development disciplines. <br />Richard M. Rosan <br />President <br />Recommended bibliographic listing: <br />Myerson, Deborah L. Mixed-Income Housing: <br />Myth and Fact.Washington, D.C.: <br />ULI–the Urban Land Institute, 2003. <br />ULI Catalog Number: M61 <br />International Standard Book Number: <br />0-87420-916-1 <br />©2003 by ULI–the Urban Land Institute <br />1025 Thomas Jefferson Street, N.W. <br />Suite 500 West <br />Washington, D.C. 20007-5201 <br />Printed in the United States of America. All rights <br />reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced <br />in any form or by any means, electronic or mechan- <br />ical, including photocopying and recording, or by <br />any information storage and retrieval system with- <br />out written permission of the publisher. <br />ULI Project Staff <br />Rachelle L. Levitt <br />Senior Vice President, Policy and Practice <br />Publisher <br />Marta Goldsmith <br />Vice President, Land Use Policy <br />Deborah L. Myerson <br />Senior Associate, Land Use Policy <br />Project Director and Principal Author <br />Nancy H. Stewart <br />Director, Book Program <br />Editor <br />Betsy VanBuskirk <br />Art Director <br />Anne Morgan <br />Graphic Designer <br />Diann Stanley-Austin <br />Director, Publishing Operations <br />2