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Page 3 of 4 <br /> <br />LCDA Application <br />The City submitted a Project Concept Plan, which is essentially a pre-application to the Livable <br />Communities Demonstration Account (LCDA), on Thursday, May 1, 2014. The application <br />includes a request for $1,605,000 in Livable Community Act (LCA) funds as follows: <br /> <br />Use Description Request <br />Sidewalks and <br />Trails <br />Sidewalks and trails from the North Gateway entrance <br />through the Town Center $105,000 <br />Lighting Pedestrian-scale decorative lighting at the North <br />Gateway entrance and south through the Town Center $400,000 <br />Landscaping Landscaping at the North Gateway entrance and along <br />the spine road through the Town Center $250,000 <br />Site <br />Preparation <br />and Grading <br />Grading work associated with the remeandering of <br />Rice Creek at the North Gateway entrance to restore <br />natural creek alignment and floodplain and to <br />accommodate amenities and local roadway connections <br />$650,000 <br />Architecture <br />and <br />Engineering <br />Architecture and engineering for the design of <br />improvements listed above $200,000 <br /> <br />By June 2, 2014, the Metropolitan Council will notify the City if it will be invited to submit a <br />full application. The deadline for the full application is June 30, 2014. <br /> <br />Upcoming Meetings <br /> <br />TCAAP-related topics will be discussed at the following regular and special City Council <br />meetings and work sessions. Planning Commissioners may choose to attend meetings to hear <br />presentations and City Council discussion. <br /> <br />May 12, 2014, Special Work Session at 5:30 pm, Community Room <br /> Infrastructure Study Update and City Cost Participation Agreement <br /> City TCAAP Finances Discussion <br /> <br />May 19, 2014, Regular Work Session at 5:00 pm; Council Chambers <br /> Ramsey County Financial Model <br /> Residential Development and Densities <br /> Flex Space Land Use Discussion <br /> <br />May 27, 2014 (Tuesday), Special Work Session at 5:30 pm, Community Room <br /> I-35W/Highway 96 Interchange Discussion <br /> <br />June 9, 2014, Special Work Session at 5:30 pm, Community Room <br /> Discussion topics to be determined (infrastructure, regulations and policies, etc.) <br /> <br />June 16, 2014, Regular Work Session at 5:00 pm, Council Chambers <br /> Review Revised Master Plan