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Proposed Conservation District Rezoning Map and Parcel List <br />¹ <br />Highw a y 9 6 <br />Hig <br />h <br />w <br />ay 10 <br />Count y Ro ad I <br />Lexington Av <br />enue <br />Existing Z oning <br />CC - C ivic C e nte r D istr ict <br />M-B - M ixed B usine ss <br />M-R - M ixe d R e sid e ntial <br />R-1 - S ing le Fa mily R eside n tia l <br />R-2 - S ing le & Tw o F amily R esid en tial D istr ict <br />R-3 - To wn ho u se & Lo w D e nsity M ultip le D w ellin g D istr ict <br />R-4 - M ultip le D w ellin g D istrict <br />N-B - N eig bo r ho od Busine ss <br />G-B - Ga tew a y Bu sine ss <br />I-1 - L imite d Ind ustr ial D istr ict <br />I-2 - G e ne ra l In du stria l D istrict <br />WATER <br />Propo sed Z oning <br />CD - C onservation D istrict <br />PO S - Parks and O pen S p a ce D istrict <br />Snelling Avenue <br /> N <br />Hamline Avenue <br /> N <br />Numbe r Prope rty Addre ss Acre s Parce l ID10 Unass igned 39 10302311000125337 Lexington Ave N 118.97 10302314000131460 County Road I W 470.82 10302344000241185 Hwy 96 W 578.46 153023110003 <br />1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />4