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CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />PARKS, TRAILS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING <br />TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 2014 <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY HALL <br />CALL MEETING TO ORDER <br />Co-Chair Van Valkenburg called the June 17, 2014, meeting of the Parks, Trails, and Recreation <br />Committee to order at 5:16 p.m. <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Co-Chair John Van Valkenburg and Committee Members Steve Scott, <br />Nancy O’Malley, Jennifer Stephens, Matt Trites (Arrived at 5:40 p.m.), Don Messerly, Harold <br />Petersen, Chuck Michaelson and Phil Kramlinger (Arrived at 5:40 p.m.). <br />OTHERS PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Manager Michelle Olson, Recreation Programmer <br />Sara Grant and Council Liaison Dave McClung (arrived after business meeting for park tour at 5:45 <br />p.m.). <br />ABSENT: Committee Members Cindy Garretson (excused) and Rich Straumann (excused). <br />1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br />MOTION:Committee Member Michaelson motioned to approve the agenda seconded by <br />Committee Member Petersen. The motion carried unanimously (7-0). <br />2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – March 18, 2014 <br />MOTION:Committee Member Stephens motioned to approve the April 15, 2014, minutes as <br />presented, seconded by Committee Member Michaelson. <br />Discussion: Co-Chair Van Valkenburg asked for an explanation of how the City <br />determines the hard court maintenance schedule and also asked for an explanation of <br />when the PTRC looks at the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). <br />Parks and Recreation Manager stated that the hard courts are on a 5-8 year <br />resurfacing schedule and it is not meant to be a rigid schedule. Staff looks at the <br />courts the year before the resurface and can have the flexibility to shift courts from <br />one year to another, based on conditions. In addition, three of the City’s courts are <br />over 30 years old and will need to be reconstructed, as typically that is the standard <br />life of a court. Floral, Royal Hills and Hazelnut will all be appearing in the CIP for <br />replacement in the next 5-7 years because they are approaching their life expectancy. <br />The CIP is typically reviewed by the Council in June or July. Staff typically brings <br />the proposed projects for the PTRC to review at their April and/or May meeting. <br />Staff did include the proposed projects with the May meeting packet. The <br />committee did not have a quorum for any type of vote. However, the members <br />present did review the projects. The members who did not make the meeting should