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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes September 16, 2014 <br />Page 4 <br />It was questioned whether the committee would be going ahead with restoring Lindey’s <br />Park to native landscape. Council Liaison McClung indicated it was the Council’s <br />opinion that this should be done in another area, potentially in the TCAAP area. <br />Committee Member Trites also suggested having a sign indicating where the parking is at <br />Lindey’s. <br />The committee was in consensus that the sand box at Perry Park is in bad shape. Ms. <br />Grant indicated staff has discussed possibly removing all sandboxes from the parks. Also <br />of concern was the condition of the play structure and the chain link fence at the <br />beginning of the hill which is unraveling and has sharp edges sticking out. Ms. Grant <br />reported that the hockey rink is scheduled to be painted by a volunteer group. Committee <br />Member Trites asked if it would be possible to have Public Works cut back the brush on <br />the right side of the road. He indicated there is a blind spot because of the brush when <br />turning north out of the park and it is hard to see cars that are coming when looking up <br />the hill. Ms. Grant indicated she would check into this. <br />Committee Member O’Malley suggested the Public Works crew spray paint the rusty <br />tennis court fences and poles at Royal Hills Park. <br />Several Committee Members indicated they felt the brush by the bike path at Sampson <br />Park should be cut down and also suggested the wild flowers growing over the path by <br />Noble and Grant Road be cut down. It was the consensus of the committee that the area <br />would look much nicer with just grass. <br />Committee Member Stephens indicated that the grass at Valentine Hills Park is in bad <br />shape and hard to walk on. Committee Member Messerly commented that the condition <br />of the grass is due to the type of grass seed that was used. The committee will check to <br />see what it would take to establish new grass. <br />Ms. Grant recapped that she will discuss the mentioned concerns with Public Works <br />Director Maurer and with Public Works to see which projects are manageable and can be <br />taken care of. She will then provide feedback at the next meeting. <br />B. Other Unfinished Business <br />Co-Chair Kramlinger indicated the committee, at some point, should review their PTRC <br />goals and continue forward with their plans. <br />4. NEW BUSINESS <br />A.Clean-Up Day <br />Ms. Grant reported that the Clean-Up Day will be held on Saturday, October 25, at 9:00 <br />a.m., and that those attending meet at City Hall. She would also like any members <br />interested to let her know so she can plan accordingly.