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11/12/2014 11:51:25 AM
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11/12/2014 11:51:19 AM
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL— SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 11 <br /> Councilmember Holmes suggested language be added to condition#5, stating that this provision <br /> may be delayed by five years if the City Attorney, City staff, and the applicant agree to the <br /> condition of the delay. <br /> Mayor Grant and Councilmember Holden supported this language. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Holmes moved and Councilmember Holden seconded a <br /> motion to approve Planning Case #14-025 for a site plan review in order to <br /> construct a twenty-four (24) foot by thirty (30) foot detached accessory <br /> structure in front of the single family dwelling at 3657 Snelling Avenue North, <br /> based on the findings of fact and the submitted plans, and amended by the <br /> eight (8) conditions in the September 29, 2014, report to the City Council,with <br /> the provision as stated above. The motion carried (5-0). <br /> D. Planning Case 14-026 Variance— 1830 Noble Road <br /> Associate Planner Bachler stated that the applicant in this case is Lee Homes, a custom builder <br /> contracted by the property owners to design and construct a new single-family dwelling at 1830 <br /> Noble Road. This project would include the demolition of the existing structures on the property <br /> and the grading of the site. The applicant has indicated that the existing structures are in poor and <br /> dilapidated condition. <br /> Associate Planner Bachler explained that the subject property is considered to be a corner lot <br /> because it is situated at the intersection of Noble Road on the north and a limited-access alley off <br /> of Lake Johanna Boulevard on the east. A corner lot is defined in the Zoning Code as, "a lot <br /> situated at and abutting on the intersection of two (2) or more streets having an angle of <br /> intersection of not more than one hundred thirty-five (135) degrees." Corner lots are required to <br /> maintain front yard setback requirements for each street frontage. <br /> Associate Planner Bachler reported that the property is unique because the property boundary <br /> lines extend into the abutting street and alley: the north property line extends approximately 16 <br /> feet into Noble Road and the east property line extends approximately 9 feet into the abutting <br /> alley. In cases where any portion of the lot extends into an abutting roadway, the Zoning Code <br /> defines the lot line as the street or alley line. However, this property is also subject to a public use <br /> easement granted to the City in 1955 when the neighborhood was platted in the Elms Addition. <br /> The properties at 1830, 1832, 1834, and 1848 Noble Road were not platted as part of this <br /> subdivision, but public use easements across these properties were secured and are shown on the <br /> plat. Staff has reviewed this information with the City Attorney and has been advised that all <br /> required setbacks at 1830 Noble Road need to be taken from the public easement line and not the <br /> street or alley line. <br /> Associate Planner Bachler indicated that the existing dwelling on the property is non- <br /> conforming as it encroaches on the front yard setback along Noble Road and the secondary front <br /> yard setback along the alley. The existing home is situated approximately 32.7 feet from the <br /> easement line on the north side of the property and 19.9 feet from the easement line on the east <br /> side of the property. The required setback for the principal and secondary front yard is 40 feet. <br />
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