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9. The property is nonconforming because the existing landscape coverage of 8,115 square <br />feet, or 20.01 percent, does not meet the minimum landscape coverage requirement of 25 <br />percent in the B-4 District. <br />10. The existing principal structure on the property is nonconforming because it encroaches <br />0.4 feet into the required front yard setback of 50 feet and 16 feet into the required north <br />side yard setback of 20 feet. <br />11. The existing accessory structure on the property is nonconforming because it encroaches <br />six feet into the required north side yard setback of 10 feet. <br />12. The proposed project would remove the existing nonconforming accessory structure. <br />13. The proposed addition would result in an increase in the nonconforming structure <br />coverage to 11,780 square feet, or 29.05 percent. <br />14. The proposed addition would encroach 15 feet into the required north side yard setback <br />of 20 feet. <br />15. The proposed project would result in an increase in the landscape lot coverage to 8,219 <br />square feet, or 20.27 percent, but the property would still not meet the minimum <br />landscape coverage requirement. <br />16. The City Code requires that striping of parking lots be maintained to assure that the <br />designated parking capacity is met. The existing off-street parking area on the property is <br />currently not striped to delineate individual parking stalls. <br />17. Based on the proposed use of the property, 12 off-street parking spaces would be <br />required. <br /> <br />Variance Findings: <br /> <br />18. Section 1320.04, Subd. 9 of the Zoning Code states that the purpose of the B-4 District is <br />to, among other things, meet retail shopping needs of the surrounding community by <br />providing a district that will accommodate a wide range of retail goods and services. <br />19. Section 1320.04, Subd. 9 of the Zoning Code states that the purpose of the B-4 District is <br />to, among other things, allow transitional uses that will allow an orderly phasing out of <br />existing uses and development that are not appropriate in a contemporary retail center <br />and a phasing in of uses and development as warranted by market conditions. <br />20. Warehousing is a permitted use for this particular property in the B-4 District based on <br />the provisions found in Section 1320.10, Subd.2 of the Zoning Code. <br />21. The proposed addition would be to accommodate a loading dock area, which is a <br />reasonable use of the property. <br />22. The plight of the property owner is due to circumstances unique to the property not <br />created by the landowner. The principal structure on the property was in existence when <br />the property was rezoned to B-4 District, which likely created its current nonconforming <br />status. <br />23. If approved, the variance will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood as the <br />properties in the area are predominantly used for light industrial purposes. <br />24. The requested variance does not appear to be based on economic considerations alone. <br /> <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for November 5, 2014 <br /> <br />P:\Planning\Planning Cases\2014\PC 14-033 - Variance - 3755 Dunlap Street\Memos_14-033 <br /> <br />Page 7 of 9 <br />