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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes January 20, 2015 <br />Page 2 <br />draft proposal for Boston Scientific and present to Council. Committee Member <br />O’Malley volunteered to draft a letter for Boston Scientific to present at the next PTRC <br />meeting. Chair Stephens also suggested the committee create a plan to present to <br />Council on the top three courts needing repairs to or replacement of the basketball goals. <br />B.Pickleball Court and Instructional Lesson <br />Staff Liaison Grant indicated that she has gone ahead and ordered 12 pickleball paddles <br />and 12 balls. She informed that the pickleball court will be at Cummings Park and <br />equipment can be rented there or at City Hall. Committee Member Michaelson indicated <br />that he and Staff Liaison Grant are still in the process of deciding what to charge for the <br />equipment rental. Ms. Grant commented that Public Works is purchasing special tape <br />that can be used for marking the outside courts. She informed the tape will not ruin the <br />surface and it can just be peeled off. Staff Liaison Grant commented that in order to <br />promote pickleball, she is planning to have a pickleball demonstration June 15, from 1:00 <br />-2:00 pm, at Cummings Park and has hired an instructor for the event. <br />C.Other Unfinished Business <br />Committee Member Peterson asked that Staff Liaison Grant provide the members with a <br />calendar of meeting dates. <br />Committee Member Straumann gave a brief update on upcoming and future road/trail <br />projects. He indicated the trail subcommittee will be meeting with Ramsey County on <br />Tuesday, April 14. Discussion ensued on trail connections. <br />4. NEW BUSINESS <br />A.2015 PTRC Member Information <br />Chair Stephens asked the members to review their contact information for any changes. <br />Committee Member Straumann indicated that the home phone number listed for him is <br />actually his wife’s cell number and asked that his work and fax number be removed. <br />Committee Member Kramlinger commented that his email should be changed to <br /> and Committee Member Michaelson indicated his work number should <br />be changed to his cell number of 651-235-1337. <br />B.Community Parks and Trails Survey <br />Staff Liaison Grant recapped that the survey provided in the packet was the survey that <br />was used in 2013. She indicated she did discuss the survey with Council Liaison Holden <br />and it was decided to revamp the survey and also have the survey available on Facebook. <br />Ms. Grant asked the committee if they had any additional survey questions they wanted <br />added or if they had any changes they wanted made to the survey. Chair Stephens <br />indicated she felt the survey was long enough and should not be any longer. Committee <br />Member O’Malley suggested they make the survey available after the summer since there <br />is much trail development activity going on