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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—JANUARY 26, 2015 5 <br /> Kirk Soldner, 1923 Noble Road, explained that he has lived in his home since 1987. He believed <br /> that Noble Road has had a lack of maintenance. He appreciated the lower asphalt curb as it <br /> offered residents easier access to their lots. <br /> Robert Johnson, 1902 Noble Road, stated that he has lived in his home since 1989 and lives next <br /> to the walking path. He discussed how the water runs down the street to the walking path; then <br /> leaves the street and pools in his yard. He requested that this situation be addressed through the <br /> street improvement project. <br /> Robert Gibson, 1860 Lake Lane, reported that he has been a resident since 1975. He commented <br /> that he could support the concrete curb given the fact that the assessment amounts were so close. <br /> He encouraged the City to properly maintain the new roadway after it was completed. <br /> Steve Scott, 1870 Lake Lane, understood that Grant and Noble were in poor condition. He did <br /> not believe that Lake Lane had the same issues. He did not feel it was fair to assess each lot <br /> equally when the roadway conditions varied. He then discussed the lack of maintenance on these <br /> roadways and recommended that the City create a maintenance schedule for its streets. <br /> Mayor Grant requested comment from staff on the City's road maintenance program. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer discussed the City's current road maintenance program noting <br /> that the current Council has been aggressive in budgeting funds for crack filling and seal coating. <br /> He anticipated that the new streets would be seal coated after three to five years and then routine <br /> crack filling/seal coating would be completed on a seven to ten year cycle. <br /> Amy Fleury, 1936 Grant Road, commented that she lives on a corner property and the asphalt in <br /> front of her home is in poor condition. She supported concrete curbs and believed that this would <br /> hold up much better long-term. <br /> Chad Myers, 3441 Lake Johanna Boulevard, stated that he has lived in his home for the past year <br /> and a half. He supported the full reconstruction project with concrete curb and gutter. He <br /> believed this would better address the water and drainage concerns in his neighborhood. <br /> Paul Spencer, 1863 Lake Lane, supported concrete curb and gutter and wanted Lake Lane to look <br /> the same as the other roadways in his neighborhood. <br /> Carl Stampfle, 1935 Grant Road, indicated that he has lived in his home since 1975. He reported <br /> that he has standing water on the road in front of his home after every rain event. For this reason, <br /> he supported a full reconstruction project in order for the grading concerns on the roadway to be <br /> properly addressed. <br /> Vaughn Morin, 1889 Grant Road, asked if the sanitary sewer lines would be replaced. He <br /> commented that he replaced his line from the house to the street in 2011. He stated that he <br /> supported a reconstruction project. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer reported that sanitary sewer lines, from the main to the house, <br /> were the responsibility of the homeowner. He commented that the City was responsible for water <br />
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