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5   <br />  <br />Section 8. The Commission shall make an annual, independent audit of the books of the <br />Commission and shall make an annual financial accounting and report in writing to the Members. <br />Its books and records shall be available for examination by the Members at all reasonable times. <br />Section 9. The commission may delegate authority to its executive committee. Such <br />delegation of authority shall be by motion of the Commission and may be conditioned in such a <br />manner as the commission may determine. <br />Section 10. The Commission shall adopt By-Laws which may be amended from time to <br />time. <br />Section 11. The Commission shall be responsible for the PEG access channels and cable <br />television programming within or for the geographic area of the Member cities of the <br />Commission Should any Member withdraw from the commission as of the date of any renewal of <br />the Cable Television Franchise Ordinance, or in any year thereafter, the withdrawing Member <br />shall assume all responsibility for PEG access cable television channels and programming within <br />or for the geographic boundaries of the withdrawing municipality, as more specifically delineated <br />in Article XI, Section 3, of this Agreement. <br />Section 12. The Commission may designate an entity or entities to perform any functions <br />the Commission deems necessary relative to the commission's responsibility for community <br />programming. The Commission may provide funds, support services, and the use of equipment <br />and property to the designated entity, provided that title to all equipment and property shall not <br />pass to the designated entity without the prior approval of all directors. <br /> <br />IX. OFFICERS <br />Section 1. The officers of the Commission shall consist of a chair, a vice-chair, and a <br />secretary/treasurer. Officers of the commission shall be elected annually for one-year terms. <br />Officers shall be limited to two consecutive one-year terms in a given office. <br />Section 2. A vacancy in the office of chair, vice-chair, or secretary/treasurer shall occur <br />for any of the reasons for which a vacancy in the office of a director shall occur. Vacancies in <br />these offices shall be filled by the commission for the unexpired portion of the term. <br />Section 3. The three officers shall all be members of the executive committee. <br />Section 4. The chair shall preside at all meetings of the Commission and the executive <br />committee. The vice-chair shall act as chair in the absence of the chair.