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Postal Customer <br />ECR-WSS <br />PRST STD <br />U.S. Postage Paid <br />St. Paul, MN <br />Permit #1962 <br />I <br />n <br />s <br />i <br />d <br />e <br />Arden Hills, MN . 55112-5734 <br />Rice Creek Commons marketing begins <br />Frattallone’s purchases Carroll’s Furniture <br />site <br />Sampson Park <br />Karth Lake clean-up continues <br />Notes from the Communications Committee <br />The Communications Committee <br />is one of several volunteer-driven <br />committees that serve the City of <br />Arden Hills. Our main function is to com- <br />municate City information, issues, and <br />stories to residents; we do this by helping <br />to write, edit, and produce Arden Hills <br />Notes ten times per year. <br />Our committee meets monthly to edit the <br />upcoming issue and plan content for future <br />issues. Additional duties include assisting <br />in other ways to keep City residents and <br />businesses informed (including the City’s <br />website and social media accounts) and <br />advising the City Council and staff on <br />ways to meet City communication needs. <br />Like other City committees, our member- <br />ship is comprised of resident volunteers, a <br />City Council liaison, and a City of Arden <br />Hills staff liaison. Members typically <br />serve a three-year term and are appointed <br />by the City Council. <br />Currently, the Communications Commit- <br />tee is comprised of: the City’s highest- <br />ranking official, who has 14 years of City <br />government leadership experience in Ar- <br />den Hills; a working mom with 12 years of <br />experience in City government and a pas- <br />sion for connecting with the community; <br />a teacher and longtime resident who grew <br />up in Arden Hills and returned to raise her <br />family and retire here; a desktop publisher <br />with a communications background who <br />has lived in the City for 27 years; a liberal <br />arts-educated stay-at-home-mom who <br />moved to Arden Hills one year ago; and a <br />local college student majoring in journal- <br />ism and working part-time at a community <br />newspaper. <br />Committees provide a way for the City <br />to benefit from the expertise and expe- <br />rience of those who live and work in <br />Arden Hills, as well as provide a way for <br />residents to meet new people, learn new <br />things, develop leadership skills, be of <br />service, and make a difference. This kind <br />of volunteer work is unique in the array <br />of perspectives, experience, and abilities <br />that are unified by the desire to give back <br />to a community. It is a working experience <br />unlike most others. <br />Get involved: volunteer! <br />There are non-committee opportunities to <br />get involved in that make a difference in <br />the City as well: <br />• The Arden Hills Foundation is <br />operated by volunteers and works to <br />expand its reach and impact in the <br />community. <br />• The Parks, Trails, and Recreation <br />Committee is working on creating <br />some new opportunities for residents <br />to participate in park maintenance <br />and beautification efforts, which will <br />continue a long-standing tradition of <br />community investment in our parks. <br />• Those who work in Arden Hills can <br />look into community service op- <br />Giving you the news – it’s what we like to do <br />portunities with their employers – or <br />spearhead a new service project or <br />program in the City if one does not <br />already exist. <br />Once a small village community, Arden <br />Hills has prospered and is now nationally <br />recognized for its quality of life. There <br />is much news to share, great progress to <br />report, more change on the horizon, and <br />many interesting stories to tell. There are <br />many factors that contribute to the City’s <br />sustained growth, and resident engage- <br />ment is one of them. <br />It is our pleasure to provide this newsletter <br />to the residents of Arden Hills. We hope <br />you find it to be a valuable resource, an <br />interesting read, and – perhaps – a catalyst <br />for participation in our community. <br /> <br /> <br />by Committee Co-Chair Tina Kulzer <br />Right now, there are openings on the fol- <br />lowing committees and commissions: <br />• Communications Committee <br />• Parks, Trails, and Recreation Com- <br />mittee <br />• Financial Planning and Analysis <br />Committee <br />• Economic Development Commission <br />More information, as well as an applica- <br />tion form, can be found on the City website <br />(click on “Committees & Commissions” <br />under the “Government” tab). Interested <br />residents also can call or stop by City Hall. <br />Thinking about volunteering?