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TCAAP Energy Integration Resiliency Framework <br />Energy Efficiency Strategies <br /> <br /> <br /> 71 <br />Solar Thermal Sharing Opportunities Peak Times Hot Water1 <br />Hotels and lodging Mornings 31.4 kBtu/SF <br />Multifamily buildings Morning/Night na <br />Health Care (inpatient) All Day 48.4 kBtu/SF <br />Bars and restaurants Afternoon/Night 40.4 kBtu/SF <br />Laundromats/cleaning services Daytime na <br />Car washes Late afternoons na <br />Small manufacturing Night/All Day variable <br />Gardens/Nurseries na <br /> <br />Photovoltaics Sharing Opportunities Peak Times Total Electric2 <br />Education facilities3 Morning/ Afternoon 11.01 kWh/SF <br />Offices Daytime 17.3 kWh/SF <br />Health Care (inpatient) All Day 27.5 kWh/SF <br />Restaurants Night 38.4 kWh/SF <br />Grocers/Food sales All Day 49.4 kWh/SF <br />Retail (malls in particular) Afternoon/ Night 22.3 kWh/SF <br />Data Centers All Day na <br />Notes: <br />1. E2A base on historic CBECS 2003 data <br />2. E3A base on historic CBECS 2003 data <br />3. Education facilities are seasonal, but high demand 9 out of 12 months. <br />Table 26: Applicable Business Types for Building Co-Location <br />Co-locating buildings does not require the sharing of exterior walls. The proximity to one another may <br />even render opportunities to create unique outdoor employee or community spaces. The hot water or <br />heat producers could sell their excess to adjacent buildings that have use for it at different times of <br />day. Shared decentralized hot water storage units could even be used in some cases. Businesses would <br />be interested in this opportunity because it would improve the efficiency of their consumption, reduce <br />upfront capital equipment and maintenance costs, and increase comfort.20 <br /> <br />20 The Primary Energy Factor (PEF) difference between district heating systems and Gas-fired heating (0.8/1.3=0.61) <br />