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TCAAP Energy Integration Resiliency Framework <br />Next Steps and Conclusion <br /> <br /> <br /> 83 <br />6.1.5. Demand-Side Management <br />The JDA should adopt the energy savings design standards it would like to incorporate into the site <br />development RFP process, both for commercial and residential developments. The JDA should also <br />inform developers on the various energy efficiency opportunities that are available to them by <br />developing informational and educational material for prospective developers. Lastly, the JDA should <br />collaborate with developers and Xcel Energy to identify opportunities for an advanced distribution grid <br />and meters, building co-location, and passive-solar design deployment. <br />6.1.6. Infrastructure Planning <br />The County should develop a utility coordination program that enables cost-effective implementation <br />of initial utilities and infrastructure on the site, while allowing for future infrastructure to be added as <br />opportunities come available. The County should also incorporate solar orientation into the platting <br />process. <br />6.1.7. Funding Pursuits <br />The JDA should identify the funding opportunities that it could be the most successful in pursuing, and <br />collaborate with the City, County, MNARNG and other stakeholders, as appropriate, to develop funding <br />requests for each selected opportunity. In parallel, the stakeholders should develop and implement an <br />outreach campaign to inform decision makers on the energy opportunities that are available at TCAAP. <br />6.1.8. RFP Development <br />The JDA and the County should include energy planning in the development of RFPs for the site, and <br />through negotiations and discussions with individual developers. Opportunities for co-location, waste <br />energy capture, energy efficiency improvements, district energy integration, and other options <br />discussed in the White Paper and the Framework should be discussed with developers throughout <br />TCAAP development process to achieve the energy vision. <br />6.2. Conclusion <br />The ERAB has adopted a very forward-thinking vision for the TCAAP site. This will be achievable <br />through strategic partnerships with Xcel Energy, the MNARNG, the University of Minnesota Center for <br />Sustainable Building Research, environmentally conscious citizens, and developers who see the <br />economic and environmental value of the TCAAP energy vision. Through these partnerships, TCAAP will <br />be uniquely poised to be the national model for the development of integrated energy systems. <br />The first steps toward achieving the energy vision include implementing energy supply options that <br />focus on efficiency, reliability, scalability, and sustainability, such as the low-temperature district