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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—MAY 2, 2015 4 <br /> Councilmember Woodburn discussed the very nice townhouses that he recently saw in Oakdale. <br /> The Council requested that the definition of Small Lot Single Family on page 28 of the TRC be <br /> changed to read as: "A single-family residential lot that measures fifty(50) feet wide or less." <br /> The Council requested that NB-3A only allow Single Family developments and that NB-3B allow <br /> all the other uses from the original NB-3 subdistrict. <br /> The Council further agreed that the NB-3 land area in the Hill be split 50/50 between NB-3A and <br /> NB-3B. <br /> The Council discussed what the resulting housing yield would be based on information in Fit Test <br /> Option 2 and the new definitions and areas for the subdistricts. <br /> The Council agreed that there could be about 62 houses built in the 30 acres that are in the NB-2 <br /> subdistrict; about 113 houses built in the 16.25 acres that are in the NB-3A subdistrict; and about <br /> 98 homes built in the 16.25 acres that are in the NB-313 subdistrict. <br /> Mayor Grant noted that between the Hill and Creek neighborhoods, there is about 16.25 acres of <br /> multifamily and the rest is single family. <br /> The Council took a break from 11:00 to 11:10 a.m. <br /> Mayor Grant requested that the Council discuss the Town neighborhood. <br /> It was noted that Fit Test Option 2 has about 5 acres less available for residential development as <br /> the retail space was expanded by 1.3 acres and the pedestrian corridor green space was expand by <br /> 3.6 acres. <br /> The Council discussed the proposed change in acreage for apartments from the February 24 land <br /> use plan (17 acres at 40 units/acre for 680 total maximum units) to the proposal from April 20 <br /> (11.25 acres at 40 units/acre for 450 total maximum units). It was noted that this was a decrease <br /> of over 200 units and that this subdistrict would include multi-family developments for seniors. <br /> The Council discussed the Maxfield Study as it relates to senior housing; maximizing the value of <br /> the developed land; the demand for apartments and that high quality amenities are a requirement; <br /> the need for some but not too many Townhouses; and the County's concerns with a TCAAP plan <br /> that includes densities that are too low to meet their redevelopment goals. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated that she liked the layout in Fit Test Option 2 for the <br /> pedestrian/green space areas and how it worked with the neighborhoods. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated that a developer only needs 2-3 acres for the building footprint to <br /> get 150 units in a four(4) floor project. <br /> Councilmember Holmes suggested that 10 acres be dedicated to apartments and the balance of <br /> the area be split between NT-1 and NT-2. <br />