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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – January 7, 2015 8 <br /> <br />Zoning: B-2 General Business District <br />Current Lot Sizes: 1.3 acres <br />Topography: The elevation is generally flat <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler reviewed the surrounding area and the Plan Evaluation. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler provided the following Findings of Fact for review: <br /> <br />1. The property at 1203 County Road E is located in the B-2 General Business District. <br />2. The existing building on the property is a one story split-level with 23,155 square feet of <br />space on the main level and an additional 18,661 square feet in the basement area. <br />3. The owner is proposing to renovate 12,770 square feet on the main floor for general <br />office space and 8,746 square feet of space in the basement area for storage use. <br />4. The remaining 20,300 square feet of space in the building will remain unoccupied. <br />5. The proposal does not include any significant modifications to the exterior of the site. <br />6. The proposal includes restriping the existing parking area with a total of twenty-six (26) <br />parking stalls that are in conformance with the City’s dimensional standards. <br />7. The proposed site plan adequately addresses the Zoning Code requirements for internal <br />traffic and circulation. <br />8. Based on the proposed mix of office and warehousing uses in the building, sixty (60) <br />parking stalls would be required. <br />9. The proposed site plan has a deficiency of thirty-four (34) parking stalls. <br />10. Under the Zoning Code, the number of spaces required for a specific use may be reduced <br />by the City Council if the property owner provides documentation that a lesser number of <br />spaces will actually be needed than normally required. The difference in the number of <br />spaces provided and those required needs be shown on the site plan as “proof of parking” <br />and shall be constructed if and when the need for such additional spaces arises. <br />11. The applicant has stated that thirteen (13) administrative staff would work at the site and <br />future staffing would not exceed twenty-five (25). The applicant also does not expect the <br />proposed accessory warehousing use to have an impact on the parking needs for the site. <br />12. The proposed site plan does not include any proof of parking spaces. <br />13. The property is already developed and the required additional thirty-four (34) parking <br />stalls could not be accommodated on the site. <br />14. In order to satisfy the Zoning Code parking requirements, parking stalls could be secured <br />on a site within eight hundred (800) feet of the main entrance to the principal building. A <br />properly drawn legal instrument between the parties would need to be executed and filed <br />with the City and County, as determined by the City Attorney. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler stated that staff is generally supportive of the request for a reduction <br />in the required number of parking spaces on the site. As a result of how the property was <br />developed, the existing conditions pose a challenge for repurposing the former furniture store <br />building. The total amount of building floor area is not proportional to the size of the parking lot <br />and there are very few uses that could occupy the building and provide the number of parking <br />spaces required by the Zoning Code. <br /> <br />Staff believes it is reasonable not to require the nine parking spaces required for the proposed <br />warehousing use given that the space will be used for seasonal storage. The request for fewer <br />parking stalls for the office use is also reasonable considering the small number of administrative
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