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PC Packets 2015
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – January 7, 2015 11 <br /> <br />Work Session on December 8, 2014. Particular areas of discussion include the design of the <br />proposed roundabouts at County Road H and County Road I. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holmes explained that a panel of multi-family developers attended the City <br />Council Work Session on December 15, 2014, to discuss market and design criteria for <br />apartments, condominiums, and senior housing. The City Council provided feedback to staff on <br />the draft zoning and design standards specifically for multi-family development and the Town <br />Center and Neighborhood Transition Districts. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holmes stated that on January 12, 2015, the Council would be holding two <br />public hearings in order to address the street improvement projects planned for 2015. <br /> <br />C. TCAAP Update <br /> <br />City Planner Streff reported that the Arden Hills City Council has been meeting weekly over <br />the past several months in order to finalize the TCAAP master plan and zoning regulations. <br />Recent discussions have focused on density, zoning, and design standards for residential <br />development. Panel discussions with private developers have been held, and Councilmembers <br />have given specific direction to staff and consultants. <br /> <br />City Planner Streff explained that the City Council will continue to review the draft zoning <br />(TCAAP Redevelopment Code) at meetings throughout January. The final draft will be presented <br />to the City Council on February 2, 2015. It was noted a special Planning Commission meeting is <br />tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, February 18, 2015 to hold public hearings for the TCAAP <br />Redevelopment Code (TRC) and the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. <br /> <br />City Planner Streff provided a brief summary of the developer panel discussions with single- <br />family and multi-family developers. <br /> <br />• Private developers see demand for a range of product types. <br />Single-Family Residential <br />• There is demand in the market for upscale empty nester housing. These housing products <br />vary in size but generally include a higher level of interior finishes. <br />• Single-family homes targeted towards families with school-age children will be a desired <br />product. Lots that are large enough for front-loaded garages will be predominant. <br />• Private developers feel the Creek neighborhood is most suitable for upscale, large-lot <br />single family and twin homes targeted towards families and empty nesters. Density would <br />be in the range of 1 ½ to 2 units per acre. <br />• Developers see the Hill neighborhood as largely single-family homes on lots of at least 50 <br />feet. According to Mattamy Homes, a 65x65 foot lot is their best seller which equates to a <br />density of 3 units per acre. <br /> <br />• Townhomes or row homes are usually developed as 3- or 4-unit buildings since the end <br />units are most popular. Detached townhomes are generally around 5 or 6 units per acre. <br />Row homes can be built at up to 10 units per acre. Developers suggested that an average <br />of 7 to 8 units per acre for townhome products is reasonable. <br />Townhomes and Row Homes
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