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<br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br />DATE: December 29, 2014 <br /> <br />TO: Ryan Streff, City Planner <br /> <br />FROM: Terry Maurer, Public Works Director <br /> John Anderson, Assistant City Engineer <br /> <br />SUBJECT: Valentine Cove <br /> <br /> <br />This memo is intended to summarize the discussion we had on December 29 th , with City <br />staff and our City Attorney, Joel Jamnik, regarding some of the engineering issues <br />regarding the proposed Valentine Cove development. Particular issues concerning staff <br />revolve around right-of-way width, street width and street section. Based on discussion in <br />this meeting we have come up with the following recommendations: <br /> <br />1. The street right-of-way is shown at a 50 feet width rather than the 60 foot width <br />required by City ordinance. Given that the proposed public street is a short cul-de- <br />sac serving eight lots and will never be extended further the 50 foot right-of-way <br />will be adequate. With a required 28 foot wide street section the 50 foot right-of- <br />way will still leave eleven foot boulevards on each side for small utilities and <br />snow storage. <br />2. The cul-de-sac street diameter is shown at 92 feet rather than the ordinance <br />required 100 foot diameter. The cul-de-sac right-of-way is shown at the required <br />120 foot diameter. The smaller cul-de-sac width of 92 feet is adequate for the <br />turning of street maintenance equipment, emergency vehicles and school buses <br />and should be adequate for the project. <br />3. In exchange for the above two deviations from City ordinance we would <br />recommend that the street section constructed in Valentine Cove include a 24 inch <br />sub cut filled with select granular borrow and draintile. This will help to ensure <br />the longevity of street section well into the future. This is particularly important <br />given that the proposed street is singularly loaded (lots only on the north side of <br />the street) and sometime in the future will need improvements that are typically <br />assessed to the abutting properties. By including the 24 inch sub cut, select <br />granular fill and drain tile in the original construction it will help to ensure that <br />future assessed improvements deal with rejuvenation of the bituminous surface <br />and not reconstruction of the entire street section. <br />4. Other issues mentioned in the John Anderson memo dated December 23, 2014 <br />dealing with issues regarding the construction plans we assume will be addressed <br />by the developer’s engineer. <br /> <br />If you have any questions regarding these issues, please contact either John or Terry. <br />
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