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EDC Minutes <br />October 1, 2014 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br /> <br />Chair Von Holtum commented that this seemed like a lot of people and asked how this is <br />coordinated. <br /> <br />Mr. Weinhagen indicated that with other communities the City Manager decides who will <br />attend on the City side, and the EDC is traditionally just cycled through. He commented that 5-6 <br />people may seem like a lot but they have found that companies are very receptive to this and <br />usually like to provide a tour of the business, and that the survey piece is usually administered at <br />that point. <br /> <br />Mr. Weinhagen reported that part of Phase One would include recruiting Task Force <br />participants, which would include the EDC. He indicated that in most communities the EDC has <br />been charged with the BR&E on an ongoing basis and do it as part of the body of their work. <br /> <br />Commissioner Huninghake indicated that he feels one of the challenges is getting to know the <br />business owners, who are the decision makers, because they are busy. <br /> <br />Commissioner Erickson agreed this would be a challenge and indicated he feels the smaller, <br />expanding businesses would benefit the most from the BR&E program. <br /> <br />Chair von Holtum questioned Mr. Weinhagen on what the biggest challenges would be in going <br />forward with the BR&E program. <br /> <br />Mr. Weinhagen indicated the biggest challenge is getting buy-in from this commission and the <br />City Council for the BR&E program. He also stated that when administering the program they <br />will experience challenges on leveraging relationships. <br /> <br />Commissioner Erickson questioned what kind of commitment this would mean for the <br />members of the Task Force. <br /> <br />Mr. Weinhagen stated he believes a group of two people would be sufficient for the initial visits <br />to the 20-30 companies and that each group would commit to doing 2-3 visits. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued regarding the BR&E program and it was the consensus of the commission <br />that the EDC, staff and City Council are all very receptive to the program. <br /> <br />Chair von Holtum asked for a motion to recommend this to the EDA. <br /> <br />Commissioner Radziej motioned to recommend the BR&E program to the EDA, seconded by <br />Commissioner Huninghake. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> <br /> <br />B. 2014 Work Plan and Review <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler mentioned that the 2015 work plan would be presented to the EDC <br />for approval at the December 3 meeting. He indicated at that point the EDC should have a better <br />sense of whether or not the Council was in favor of moving forward with the BR&E program
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