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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION – APRIL 13, 2015 2 <br /> <br />palettes for all buildings. The color palettes are based on Sherwin Williams paints in the <br />America’s Heritage, Suburban Traditional, and Suburban Modern collections. <br /> <br />Ramsey County Commissioner Huffman provided an overview of the shared goals of the <br />County and City with regard to Rice Creek Commons. He wanted this site to be someth ing <br />special. He discussed the Fit Study and appreciated the Council’s work on the TRC. There were <br />a few concerns with the constraints within the TRC, which resulted in fewer people living and <br />working within Rice Creek Commons than was originally planned. He wanted to see 4,000 <br />people living and 4,000 people working on this site. <br /> <br />Michael Lamb, Kimley-Horn, discussed Option 2 for the Fit Test with the Council in detail. He <br />noted he received feedback from Mary Bujold from Maxfield Research, which was extremely <br />helpful. He reviewed the proposed density of 1,580 units suggesting a wide variety of building <br />types and reduced lot sizes within Option 2. He noted that park area was reduced within the Hill <br />neighborhood and a larger portion of land was set aside for retail and commercial mixed use in the <br />Town Center neighborhood. He stated that a wider range of unit types was suggested after <br />speaking with Ms. Bujold from Maxfield. <br /> <br />Mr. Lamb reviewed how Option 2 would amend the Hill, Creek and Town Center <br />neighborhoods. He commented that lot sizes had been reduced to address the comments provided <br />by Maxfield. He further discussed how Ms. Bujold from Maxfield responded to the proposed <br />development on Rice Creek Commons. He reported that the Hill could be more dense that <br />previously proposed. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant saw there was significant activity in home sales around the $400,000 to $600,000 <br />price point. <br /> <br />Councilmember McClung clarified that a Maxfield study was not completed on the site, but <br />rather comments from an employee at Maxfield had been provided to the County. <br /> <br />Mr. Lamb stated that this was correct but provided comment on the broad depth of experience <br />that Ms. Bujold had at Maxfield in evaluating the market potential for this site. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden did not support the location of the parks within the residential area. She <br />believed that the lighting would be a concern to the surrounding homeowners. <br /> <br />Mr. Lamb compared the differences between Option 1 and Option 2 with the Council. <br /> <br />Councilmember Woodburn asked how the amount of retail space was determined within the <br />Town Center. <br /> <br />Mr. Lamb explained that the retail within the Town Center would be to provide convenience and <br />supportive retail. He reported that the retail in the Town Center was fairly compact. He <br />recommended that the Council consider amending the land use boundaries to provide for a more <br />dense development. He suggested a street and block pattern that would reinforce frontage along <br />the Spine Road and the Town Center. He also suggested additional retail within the Town Center <br />area.