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Neighborhood Transition Zoning District <br /> May 27, 2015 <br /> <br />Section 6: Building and Site Development Standards TCAAP Redevelopment Code <br />Page | 68 <br /> <br />(e) Parking & Service Access <br />i. Surface Parking Setbacks <br /> Standards for S and T in the illustrations above are referenced in standards <br />for Driveways and Service Access section 6.1(c) iii. <br />Pedestrian-Friendly <br />or Civic/Open Space <br />Frontage <br /> Shall be located behind <br />the principal building <br />along that street <br />frontage; or <br /> Min. 3’ behind the <br />building façade line <br />along that frontage <br /> <br />General Frontage <br /> At or behind the <br />building façade line <br />along that frontage; or <br /> Min. 6’ behind the <br />property line along that <br />street <br /> <br />Side <br /> 6’ min - Adjacent to SF- <br />detached residential lot <br /> 0’ min – all other <br />adjacencies <br /> <br />Rear <br /> 6’ min - Adjacent to SF- <br />detached residential lot <br /> 0’ min – all other <br />adjacencies <br /> <br />(f) Residential Transition Standards <br />The following transition standards shall apply to all new multi- <br />family, mixed-use and non-residential building construction and <br />all upper story additions to existing buildings located adjacent <br />to existing single-family detached lot(s). This requirement shall <br />NOT apply if an alley or other similar right-of-way separates <br />the subject lot and the existing single-family detached <br />residential lot(s). <br /> <br />i. Transition Area 20’ min. <br />ii. Max. Building <br />Height at within <br />Transition Area <br />2 stories or 25’ <br /> <br />iii. Required setback Min. 10’ <br />A Residential Transition Area fence (6 feet high) shall be <br />required when adjacent to an existing single-family detached <br />residential lot and shall be optional for all other adjacencies. <br />The required fence shall NOT be chain link or vinyl. A 6-foot <br />wide landscape buffer with evergreen shrubs planted at 3’ on <br />center and 6’ min. in height at maturity shall also be required to <br />be planted within the landscape buffer parallel to the SF- <br />residential lot line. (see surface parking setbacks illustration) <br />U <br />V <br />W <br />O <br />Q* <br />Q <br />R <br />R* P <br />R’