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10-08-14 PC Minutes
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Planning Commission Minutes
PC Minutes 2014
10-08-14 PC Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – October 8, 2014 12 <br /> <br />Tim Callahan, 3062 Shorewood Lane in Roseville, expressed concern with the amount of traffic <br />flowing in and out of Presbyterian Homes on a daily basis. He suggested that the speed bumps <br />remain in place given the level of traffic in this area. He was pleased that Wheeler Avenue was <br />closed off as this kept Presbyterian Homes traffic out of the adjacent neighborhood. He <br />recommended that the City require larger trees be planted in order to replace the trees that would <br />be lost. He discussed the increasing impact Presbyterian Homes had on the adjacent <br />homeowners. He did not approve of the proposed outdoor lighting and anticipated this light <br />would wash onto his property. He feared that the homes surrounding Presbyterian Homes would <br />continue to decrease in value. <br /> <br />Dave Seaburg, 3104 Fairview Avenue, believed the new plan would result in the brownstone <br />buildings being constructed too close to one another. He then expressed concern with the height <br />of the brownstone buildings. <br /> <br />Michelle Lacy, 3167 Shorewood Drive, provided comment on the traffic concerns along <br />Shorewood Drive. She reported the homes in her neighborhood had only one access point since <br />Wheeler Avenue has closed. It was her hope that the Presbyterian Homes traffic would cease <br />flowing into her neighborhood. <br /> <br />Peter Davitt, 3151 Shorewood Drive, was disappointed with the proposed plans for the <br />brownstone units. He understood that Presbyterian Homes was interested in creating more units, <br />however, he had concern with the size of the building. He commented that the new building was <br />proposed to be 20% larger than originally requested and had 7,000+ more square feet. It was his <br />understanding, as stated by Ms. Beekman that the original PUD was put in place to “protect” the <br />surrounding homeowners in the future. He recommended that the brownstone building be held <br />to its original requested size. He suggested that Presbyterian Homes be held to the landscaping <br />plan and the promised grounds improvements. <br /> <br />Jim Day, 3242 Sandeen Road, inquired where the Presbyterian Homes staff would be parking <br />when 20+ spaces are lost due to the construction of the proposed brownstones. He noticed that <br />the parking lots at Presbyterian Homes are quite full and did not want staff parking to overflow <br />onto Sandeen Road. <br /> <br />There being no additional comment Vice Chair Thompson closed the public hearing at 8:10 p.m. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Thompson asked if the new brownstone units would require additional staff and <br />parking. <br /> <br />Ms. Belz understood staff was currently parking where the brownstone buildings on County <br />Road D would sit. She stated that parking counts have been conducted for the entire site and all <br />staff members can be accommodated through on-site parking. She reported that the staffing level <br />would not be increased after the brownstone units were constructed as these would be <br />independent living units and maintenance would be completed by current employees. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Thompson questioned where the construction traffic would be located. <br /> <br />Ms. Belz reported the foreman of the project would be allowed to park on site and all other <br />construction traffic would have to seek alternative parking.
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