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01-07-15 PC Minutes
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Planning Commission
Planning Commission Minutes
PC Minutes 2015
01-07-15 PC Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – January 7, 2015 4 <br /> <br />8. The resultant parcel at 4703 U.S. Highway 10 would be in conformance with the <br />minimum lot dimension, lot area, and structure setback requirements for the <br />Neighborhood Business Zoning District. <br />9. With the expansion of the lot boundaries at 4703 U.S. Highway 10 the parking lot would <br />continue to encroach along the southeast lot line and the overall landscape lot coverage <br />would decrease from 14.1 percent to 13.9 percent. <br />10. The resultant parcels abut on and have access to an existing public street, road, <br />thoroughfare or highway. <br />11. The subdivision will not involve the opening, widening or extension of any public or <br />private street, road, thoroughfare or highway and will not involve the dedication, <br />reservation or construction of any type of public utility. <br />12. The subdivision will not obstruct future streets which have been planned by the City. <br />13. The subdivision will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to adjacent <br />tracts in the area in which the subdivision tract is located. <br />14. The registered land survey conforms to all requirements. <br />15. The resultant parcel at 4605 Prior Avenue will be in conformance with the Zoning Code <br />and the existing Conditional Use Permit that the property operates under. <br />16. The resultant parcel at 4703 U.S. Highway would not be in conformance with the Zoning <br />Code and a variance is needed. <br />17. A twenty (20) foot wide sanitary sewer easement will be provided across the property at <br />4703 U.S. Highway 10 where an existing sanitary sewer line is located. <br />18. No grading plan is required for the proposed subdivision. <br />19. The proposed subdivision is not subject to the City’s park dedication fee. <br /> <br />Variance Findings: <br />20. The proposal is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as the <br />Ordinance generally allows flexibility for unique situations when impacts to surrounding <br />properties are minimized. <br />21. The proposal is consistent with the Arden Hills Comprehensive Plan as it allows the <br />reasonable use of a residential and commercial property. <br />22. The proposed variance would have no appreciable impact on the site conditions as the <br />parking area in question has already been constructed. <br />23. The proposed subdivision and lot consolidation is unlikely to have negative impacts to <br />the property or to the neighborhood as a whole. <br />24. The proposed subdivision and lot consolidation and requested variances do not appear to <br />be based on economic considerations alone. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler explained if the Planning Commission recommends approval of this <br />request, staff recommends the following three conditions: <br /> <br />1. The applicant shall file the Registered Land Survey with Ramsey County and a copy of <br />the survey shall be provided to the City within ninety (90) days of the final approval date. <br />2. The applicant shall file the twenty (20) foot wide sanitary sewer easement as depicted on <br />the approved Registered Land Survey with Ramsey County and a copy of the document <br />shall be provided to the City within ninety (90) days of the final approval date. The <br />easement document shall be approved by the City Attorney before filing with the County. <br />3. Monuments or stakes shall be placed and installed at all corners and angle points of the <br />resultant parcels.
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