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02-04-15 PC Minutes
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Planning Commission Minutes
PC Minutes 2015
02-04-15 PC Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – February 4, 2015 12 <br /> <br />which included the development of a pharmacy in place of the office building, was also approved <br />as part of this planning case. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler indicated that a subsequent PUD Amendment in 2011 (Planning <br />Case 11-016) included a revised plat that combined two of the lots in the northeast corner of the <br />site into a single lot for the development of the existing Walgreens Pharmacy. Phase I of the <br />Master PUD was largely completed in 2012, and included the construction of the Walgreens <br />building, modifications to parking and circulation within the retail center area, and the <br />construction of stormwater bio-filtration basins required for the proposed build-out of the site. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler explained that prior to the City’s approval of the Master PUD for the <br />retail center, a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) request from Frattallone’s Hardware was approved <br />in Planning Case 97-009 for fencing a part of the parking lot on the property to allow for a <br />seasonal garden sales area. A CUP was required because the Zoning Code does not specifically <br />allow or prohibit outdoor garden sales as a use. The seasonal outdoor sales area continues to <br />operate on the property, although the area was never fenced off as proposed and its footprint has <br />expanded beyond what was originally approved by the City in the CUP. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler noted the Master PUD and subsequent amendment, along with the <br />associated plans and the conditions of approval, remain valid. Neither Phase II nor Phase III of <br />the approved Master PUD is being reviewed as part of this amendment request. The buildings <br />included in these future phases would return to the Planning Commission and City Council for <br />review and approval prior to development. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler commented that the first component of the application is the <br />Preliminary and Final Plat to subdivide Lot 3 within the existing Arden Plaza plat into three <br />separate parcels. Frattallone’s Hardware, which is a current tenant in the retail center, has <br />approached Wellington Management regarding the purchase of its store and the existing outdoor <br />garden center. To accommodate this, a new Lot 4 would be created comprised of the <br />Frattallone’s portion of the building, the area occupied by the outdoor seasonal sales area, and <br />related parking and service areas. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler reported that the new Lot 3 would be comprised of the remaining <br />retail center, the primary parking area, access drives on County Road E and Lexington Avenue, <br />and the stormwater pond at the southeast corner of the site. The common lot line between the <br />remaining portion of the retail building on Lot 3 and the Frattallone’s Hardware store on Lot 4 <br />would be defined by a demising wall. The definition of a demising wall is a wall used jointly by <br />two parties erected upon a line dividing two parcels of land, each of which is a separate real <br />estate entity. The City Building Official and the Lake Johanna Fire Department have been <br />working with the property owner on the specifications of the demising wall and final building <br />permits will be required prior to construction. Approval of the Final Plat will be conditioned on <br />the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the proposed remodeling work. <br /> <br />Associate Planner Bachler stated that the new Lot 5 would include the future Building #4, <br />which is proposed to be constructed in Phase III of the approved Master PUD, along with a small <br />parking area. Lot 5 is located along Lexington Avenue. The proposed footprint of Building #4 <br />has increased from the Master PUD approved in 2009. The submitted master site plan indicates
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