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02-26-08 EDC Meeting Minutes - Unsigned
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EDC Minutes
02-26-08 EDC Meeting Minutes - Unsigned
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EDC Minutes <br /> February 26, 2008 <br /> Page 5of10 <br /> they won't get done either. Ed noted it's probably better to spend too much and not get it done, <br /> than to do it poorly. Ed noted a monument sign like Shoreview's cannot be built because of the <br /> cost. Councilmember Holden said she would encourage everyone to drive around to different <br /> communities to get ideas on other gateway signs. <br /> Asst. City Administrator Simon noted once he receives the document that indicated the sign <br /> locations he would review the locations for power sources and send that information to the <br /> group. <br /> Rob indicated he though the group could prioritize the sign locations. <br /> OLD CITY HALL AND E-2 <br /> City Planner Lehnhoff noted he had the opportunity to meet with the City Council and some <br /> developers last Tuesday at a worksession to discuss the former City Hall/Public Works property. <br /> The focus of that discussion was discussing what was learned at the community meetings. He <br /> noted the Council did provide some feedback on the next steps, but does not yet have that <br /> information compiled in a format to handout to the members. The next step will be to host some <br /> type of community meeting—possible an "Open House"— around the end of March to present a <br /> draft of the potential land uses for that property. He noted the worksession discussion focused <br /> primarily on residential uses but the Council was open to mixed development depending on how <br /> it was arranged and on what type of commercial activities it involved. He indicated the Council <br /> is okay with the access on to Highway 96,but the access on to Hamline Avenue is still somewhat <br /> in of an open question. If that Hamline Avenue access is allowed, he's not sure how much <br /> access that would mean. City Planner Lehnhoff noted the amount of access can be limited <br /> depending on if a full intersection is allowed, or if right-in and right-out, etc. He said to watch <br /> for an email and notices on the City's website and newsletter for an announcement on this future <br /> community meeting. The EDC, along with all the other City commissions and committees, and <br /> residents will all be invited to attend this meeting. <br /> B-2 RFP <br /> City Planner Lehnhoff noted there were not significant changes since the last time the group has <br /> met. The RFP was sent out and the City did receive proposals from 5 different planning <br /> consultants. The proposal deadline is this Friday. The goal is to have staff make a <br /> recommendation to the City Council so that they can make a decision in March 31 so the study <br /> can get underway for that district. <br /> BUSINESS SUBSIDY PLAN <br /> Ms. Kvilvang reminded the group that last time she attended the EDC meeting there was a lot of <br /> clean up work done to the Business Subsidy Policy. She indicated the group has received an <br /> edited and cleaned up version of the document and that the biggest outstanding issue for the <br /> policy is to discuss the wage and job creation goals for the City. Typically, in cities that are fully <br /> developed, which is how she views Arden Hills,job creation and wage goals aren't necessarily <br /> as important as they might be to a community where there is a lot of growth potential. However, <br />
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