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ARDEN HILLS EDA MEETING—APRIL 27, 2015 4 <br /> EDA President Grant commented that the small data sample available within Arden Hills may <br /> not be representative of the whole. He explained that additional research may have to be <br /> conducted in order to find out where the high paying jobs are. <br /> Commissioner Holden questioned the purpose of the survey. <br /> Mr. Weinhagen stated that the survey would assist the City in understanding business retention <br /> and expansion. He believed that positive relationships would be built with the local businesses <br /> through the survey process. <br /> Executive Director Hutmacher indicated that two people would attend each interview. It was <br /> her hope that she and Associate Planner Bachler would attend as many as possible. <br /> Commissioner McClung inquired if Wilkerson Guthman would be interviewed. <br /> Mr. Weinhagen stated that this was the case and noted that a retention visit has already been <br /> conducted. <br /> Commissioner McClung recommended that a representative sample be conducted of the small <br /> businesses in Arden Hills. He suggested that businesses with ten or less employees be added to <br /> the survey list. <br /> Executive Director Hutmacher explained that several small businesses were included on the <br /> list of businesses to be interviewed. <br /> Commissioner Holden requested that another financial institution be added to the interview list. <br /> Mr. Weinhagen reported that after prioritizing the list of businesses to be interviewed in the City <br /> it was determined that the financial institutions in Arden Hills were franchises and not local. <br /> Commissioner Holmes suggested that the attorneys on the list did not need to be interviewed. <br /> She then questioned what in the survey would assist the City with situations like Smith's <br /> Medical. <br /> Mr. Weinhagen restated his belief that the survey process would be a relationship building <br /> activity which would assist with business retention. <br /> Councilmember Holmes disagreed and stated that she didn't think anything could have been <br /> done by the City to keep Smith's Medical. <br /> B. Budget Parameters <br /> Treasurer Iverson stated that the EDA is a blended component unit of the City of Arden Hills <br /> which makes EDA Funds "Special Revenue Funds" of the City. Annually, the City is required by <br />
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