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CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: May 24, 2001 <br /> TO: Mayor and City Councilmembers <br /> FROM: Joe Lynch, City Administrato <br /> SUBJECT: Interim Planning Services <br /> Background <br /> Mike Cronin has served as Planning Consultant to the City of Arden Hills since 2000. He has assisted <br /> both Nancy Randall and Jennifer Chaput in providing experience,research, knowledge and information <br /> about various topics and assistance with some planning applications. Mr. Cronin was previously <br /> employed by the City of Minneapolis for fourteen(14)years as one of their principal planners, and has <br /> seen a wide variety of cases. <br /> Jennifer's last day will be May 25"', and we will have no one to provide on-site planning services after <br /> that date. Mr. Cronin has provided a proposal to the City for planning consultant services in the interim <br /> period, until such time that we can hire a new City Planner. <br /> Enclosed within is a copy of the estimated time spent one afternoon at City Hall for clients,attendance at <br /> two(2)Planning Commission meetings, attendance at one(1) City Council meeting to present and <br /> provide the Planning Cases,and availability to City staff for questions by telephone. <br /> I anticipate the process taking approximately two(2)months to hire, and have a new person in place as a <br /> City Planner. As you can see,the upper end estimate for the number of hours required is 93. This does <br /> not take into account if there are any additional cases, or if any of the current application cases are <br /> expanded or become more complex(i.e.,Vaughan tower case). We have discussed the fact that the <br /> Planning Commission would like to tackle the antenna ordinance next, and that would be a separate <br /> proposal to provide those services, and one that I would frankly like to see Mr. Cronin handle. <br /> Recommendation <br /> Staff recommends that the City Council hire Mr. Cronin as the Interim Planner with the understanding <br /> that he is to be in City Hall one afternoon per week to meet with applicants, customers and clients to <br /> provide information to them and review their potential cases; to attend the Planning Commission in June <br /> for presentation of the cases reviewed and prepared by Ms. Chaput; attend the Planning Commission in <br /> July and prepare and present all the background information on those cases; and to attend the June City <br /> Council meeting to present the recommendations of the Planning Commission to the City Council on all <br /> pending Planning Cases. Also,to attend the July City Council meeting in support of a City Planner, or to <br /> present the cases in lieu of the absence of a City Planner at that time. <br /> Also, Mr. Cronin will be available by telephone to answer staff questions and to converse with support <br /> staff about any appointments for the following week,verify follow-up and preparatory publication and <br /> hearing notices are being done correctly and promptly; and to answer any questions between site visits. <br />