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10. 1. Ramsey County or Minnesota Department of <br /> Transportation Road Construction. When road construction crosses <br /> lc smunicipal boundaries, Ramsey County or the Minnesota Department <br /> of Transportation shall obtain` an erosion and sediment control <br /> permit from the appropriate water management organization(s) <br /> rather than individual cities. <br /> Section 11. 0. Enforcement. The city shall be responsible <br /> for the enforcement of this ordinance. <br /> 11. 1. Penalty. Any person, firm, or corporation who fails <br /> to comply with or violates any of these regulations shall be <br /> deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be subject to a fine not more <br /> than ($ ) dollars or imprisonment for a <br /> period not exceeding ( ) days, or both. All land use and <br /> building permits must be suspended until the developer has <br /> corrected the violation and amended the erosion and sediment <br /> control plan for the land disturbance activity. Each day that a <br /> separate violation exists shall constitute a separate offense. <br /> Section 12. 0. Effective Date. This ordinance will take <br /> effect and be in force after its passage and official <br /> publication. <br /> Passed by the Council this day of <br /> 198 . <br /> ATTEST: APPROVED: <br /> City Clerk Mayor <br /> 10 <br />