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allow a new economic development project; and where the permit applicant <br /> did not have knowledge of the hardship, the plans for improvement of service, <br /> or the development project when said applicant was required to submit its list <br /> of Next-year Projects. <br /> D. Permits for Additional Next-year Projects. Notwithstanding the provisions <br /> of this Chapter, the City may issue a permit to a registrant who was allowed <br /> under this Chapter to submit an additional Next-year Project, or in the event <br /> the registrant demonstrates that it used commercially reasonable efforts to <br /> anticipate and plan for the project, such permit to be subject to all other <br /> conditions and requirements of law, including such conditions as may be <br /> imposed under this Chapter. <br /> 360.3.16 Installation Requirements. In accordance with Minn. Stat. §§237.162, Subd. 8(3); <br /> 237.163, Subd. 8; and other provisions of law, and until the Public Utilities <br /> Commission adopts uniform statewide standards, the excavation, restoration, and all <br /> other work performed in the Right-of-Way shall be done in conformance with <br /> "Engineering Standards adopted by the PUC" as promulgated by the City and at a <br /> location as may be required by this Chapter. The City may enforce its local standards <br /> prior to adoption of mandatory, preemptive statewide standards pursuant to its <br /> inherent and historical police power authority. <br /> 360.3.17 Inspection <br /> A. When the work under any permit hereunder is completed, the permittee shall <br /> notify the City. <br /> B. Permittee shall make the work site available to the City Inspector and to all <br /> others as authorized by law for inspection at all reasonable times during the <br /> execution and upon completion of the work. <br /> C. At the time of inspection the City Inspector may order the immediate <br /> cessation of any work which poses a serious threat to the life, health, safety or <br /> well being of the public. The City Inspector may issue an order to the <br /> registrant for any work which does not conform to the applicable standards, <br /> conditions or codes. The order shall state that failure to correct the violation <br /> will be cause for revocation of the permit. Within ten (10) days after issuance <br /> of the order, the registrant shall present proof to the City that the violation has <br /> been corrected. If such proof has not been presented within the required time, <br /> the City may revoke the permit pursuant to this Chapter. <br /> 360.3.18 Work Done Without a Permit <br /> A. Emergency Situations. Each registrant shall immediately notify the City or <br /> the City's designee of any event regarding its equipment which it considers to <br /> be an emergency. The registrant may proceed to take whatever actions are <br /> necessary in order to respond to the emergency. Within two (2) business days <br /> Is after the occurrence of the emergency, the registrant shall apply for the <br /> necessary permits, pay the fees associated therewith and fulfill the rest of the <br /> 360- 15 <br />