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B. If the City determines that the permittee has committed a substantial breach of <br /> a term or condition of any statute, ordinance, rule, regulation or any condition <br /> of the permit, the City shall make a written demand upon the permittee to <br /> remedy such violation. The demand shall state that continued violations may <br /> be cause for revocation of the permit. Further, a substantial breach, as stated <br /> above, will allow the City, at the City's discretion, to place additional or <br /> revised conditions on the permit. <br /> C. Within twenty-four (24) hours of receiving notification of the breach, <br /> permittee shall contact the City with a plan, acceptable to the City, for its <br /> correction. Permittees failure to so contact the City, the permittees failure to <br /> submit an acceptable plan, or the permittees failure to reasonably implement <br /> the approved plan shall be cause for immediate revocation of the permit. <br /> Further, permittees failure to so contact the City, or the permittees failure to <br /> submit an acceptable plan, or permittees failure to reasonably implement the <br /> approved plan shall automatically place the permittee on probation for one (1) <br /> full year. <br /> D. From time to time, the City may establish a list of conditions of the permit <br /> which, if breached, will automatically place the permittee on probation for one <br /> (1) full year, such as, but not limited to, working out of the allotted time <br /> period or working on Right-of-Way grossly outside of the permit. <br /> E. If a permittee, while on probation, commits a breach as outlined above, <br /> permittees permit will automatically be revoked and permittee will not be <br /> allowed further permits for one (1) full year, except for emergency repairs. <br /> F. If a permit is revoked, the permittee shall also reimburse the City for the <br /> City's reasonable costs, including restoration costs and the costs of collection <br /> and reasonable attorney's fees incurred in connection with such revocation. <br /> 360.3.21 Anneals <br /> A. A person that: <br /> 1. Has been denied registration; <br /> 2. Has been denied a Right-of-Way permit; <br /> 3. Has had its Right-of-Way permit revoked; or <br /> 4. Believes that the fees imposed on the user by the City do not conform <br /> to the requirements of law, may have the denial, revocation, or fee <br /> imposition reviewed, upon written request, by the City Council. The <br /> City Council shall act on a timely written request at its next regularly <br /> scheduled meeting. A decision by the City Council affirming the <br /> denial, revocation, or fee imposition must be in writing and supported <br /> by written findings establishing the reasonableness of the decision. <br /> 360- 17 <br />