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1 . DENS HILLS <br /> June 12, 2001 <br /> Lake Johanna Volunteer Fire Dep,irthent, Inc. <br /> Dave Schreier, Fire <br /> Paul DeLaForest, Treasurer <br /> 1140 West County Road I <br /> Shoreview. NUN 55126 <br /> Re: Request for LJVFD 2002 CIP &_ 2002 Budget <br /> Gentleman: <br /> The City of Arden Hills has begun its 2002 Budget preparation process and I wanted to provide you <br /> with some information related to t its process. I have enclosed a copy of our 2002 Budget planning <br /> calendar to assist you with these it:rr s. <br /> We would like to invite represen tadves of your department to attend the July 16,2001 City <br /> Council Worksession at 5:30 review operations over the last year, and provide any <br /> additional information they may request of your department. We believe your annual attendance at a <br /> Council Worksession provides an opportunity for both Councilmembers and your staff to address <br /> areas of interest to all parties. Please advise me at your earliest convenience if this date will work <br /> out for you. We would prefer not to postpone the date in order to keep our budget planning process <br /> on-track. <br /> We will be starting the Capital Imlrovement Plan preparation in June with final decisions on the <br /> Capital Plan being made in July. I would request that you provide us with an updated version of <br /> the LJVFD Capital Schedule no later than July 1,2001. 1 would also like to request that your <br /> proposed 2002 budget be submitted no later than July 15,2001. <br /> I appreciate your time and cooperal io i. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact <br /> me. <br /> Sincerely, , <br /> Jos h P. Lynch <br /> Ci Administrator <br /> Enclosures <br /> cc: Terry Post.. City Treasurer <br /> City Council <br /> Citi )i Aden Hills 43o-4 st,si Round Lakc Road Aiden Hills. NI\ <br />