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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL – JUNE 29, 2015 3 <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden discussed how the City’s goals and visions differed from the goals of <br />the County. She explained that the City was proposing to have a mix of residential lot sizes. She <br />provided comment on the discussions that the Council held with local and regional developers. <br />She encouraged the County to remember that Arden Hills wanted this portion of the City to reflect <br />well on the remainder of the City. She believed that the City has already made numerous <br />compromises to meet the needs of the County. <br /> <br />Commissioner McDonough understood that the County and the City have both worked hard to <br />reach a shared vision for this site. He explained that the development of TCAAP has been a <br />complex process and understood that difficult conversations would be involved. He wanted to see <br />the 427 acres on TCAAP developed with a high quality of life. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant suggested a joint meeting between the City Council and the County Board be held. <br /> <br />Councilmember McClung appreciated Commissioner McDonough’s presentation this evening. <br />He stated that there were differences between the City and the County and the groups may need to <br />sit down together in order to align their visions. He understood the importance of flexibility on <br />the TCAAP site and wanted to see the end product become a win-win for both the County and the <br />City. He supported a higher density than the majority of the Council. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant supported the County’s effort to keep the site energy efficient. He encouraged all <br />involved to keep in mind the uniqueness of the TCAAP site, along with the overall end goals. <br /> <br />Councilmember Woodburn supported Councilmember Holden’s comments and believed that <br />the City has compromised a great deal already. He did not believe that the City wanted to be <br />pushed much further. <br /> <br />Commissioner McDonough appreciated and valued the work that has been completed by both <br />the County and the City to date. He encouraged both parties to keep their eye on the prize going <br />forward and to remain flexible. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant thanked Commissioner McDonough for his presentation. He was proud of the <br />progress that has been made to date and looked forward to working together with the County <br />going forward. <br /> <br />B. 2014 Audit Presentation <br /> <br />Aaron Nielson, MMKR, reviewed the 2014 Audit results with the Council. He reported that the <br />City received an unmodified, or clean, opinion on its financial statements, which was the highest <br />opinion offered to municipalities. He discussed the estimated market values and tax capacity rates <br />for the City. He then provided comment on the City’s fund balances, revenues and expenditures <br />for 2014. He commended the City on its financial efforts and asked for questions or comments <br />from the Council. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holmes discussed the City’s net tax capacity and was pleased that the Arden <br />Hills’ tax rates were quite low when compared to neighboring communities in the metro area. <br />She commented that the Ramsey County tax rate was quite high when compared to other counties