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1320.04 Purpose of Districts. <br />Subd. 1 R-1 Single Family Residential District (revised 6123111) <br />A. To establish areas for the development of single family detached housing <br />at a maximum density of approximately three (3) units per net acre. <br />B. To reserve development areas for single-family housing. <br />C. To restrict encroachment of incompatible uses. <br />D. To maintain density limitations. <br />E. To take advantage of municipal utilities. <br />F. To preserve open space. <br />G. To allow educational uses on campus -like settings which are compatible <br />with adjacent residential uses. <br />Subd. 2 R-2 Single Family and Two Family Residential District <br />A. To establish areas for the development of single and two (2) family <br />housing at a maximum density of approximately five units per net acre. <br />B. To reserve development areas for single and two family housing. <br />C. To restrict encroachment of incompatible uses. <br />D. To maintain density limitations. <br />E. To take advantage of municipal utilities. <br />F. To preserve open space. <br />Subd. 3 R-3 Townhouse and Low Density Multiple Dwelling District <br />A. To provide areas offering a broad development range in housing units <br />with a maximum density of eight (8) units per net acre. <br />B. To retain the environment and character of less intensive residence areas <br />through carefully established bulk and lot area requirements. <br />Subd. 4 R-4 Multiple Dwelling District <br />A. To establish areas for the development of multiple dwelling structures <br />with a maximum density of twelve (12) units per net acre. <br />B. To permit the most intensive residential development allowed in the City. <br />C. To maintain an essentially residential character in areas developed at a <br />more intensive density. <br />Subd. 5 NB Neighborhood Business District <br />A. To be located at the edge of residential neighborhoods. <br />