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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—AUGUST 17, 2015 4 <br /> Mayor Grant agreed with Councilmember Holmes and explained that the safety of the <br /> Brownstone residents must be considered first and foremost. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer reported that he would work with Presbyterian Homes and the <br /> LJFD to resolve this issue. <br /> C. Public Works <br /> • Farnsworth Encroachment Agreement <br /> Public Works Director Maurer discussed the Farnsworth Encroachment Agreement with the <br /> Council. He noted that Mr. Farnsworth was building a new home at 1487 Lametti Lane. The <br /> home has access to the lake and the City has an existing sanitary sewer line that runs across the <br /> Farnsworth property in this area. He explained that Mr. Farnsworth would like to do some <br /> landscaping that would fall within the existing utility easement. He noted that staff and the City <br /> Attorney have been working with Mr. Farnsworth to draft an acceptable encroachment agreement. <br /> He discussed the agreement with the Council and requested direction on how to proceed. <br /> Mayor Grant understood that Mr. Farnsworth was requesting to landscape the easement area. <br /> Mr. Farnsworth reported that this was the case. <br /> Mayor Grant explained that if the City ever had to excavate the area within the easement, Mr. <br /> Farnsworth would be responsible for replacing any landscaping material that would have to be <br /> removed. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated that this was the understanding with the exception of the <br /> boulder wall, which would be replaced as it was found prior to any excavation work that may be <br /> necessary in the future. <br /> Mayor Grant asked if the encroachment agreement would be tied to the homeowner or be tied to <br /> the land. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked if the applicant needed to receive approval from the DNR. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated that the City was only granting an encroachment <br /> agreement over the City's easement. It was noted that the applicant would be responsible for <br /> pursuing any other necessary permits for the proposed landscaping. <br /> Councilmember Holmes recommended that all references to the Farnsworth's be removed from <br /> the encroachment agreement in order to ensure that the agreement was tied to the parcel and not <br /> the property owners. <br /> Councilmember Holmes suggested that the language regarding the Farnsworth's satisfaction <br /> with the wall's appearance be removed from the encroachment agreement. <br />