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J <br /> 1 <br /> EDC Minutes <br /> May 16, 2007 <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br /> The group agreed to work on the Mayor's version of the plan. <br /> Chair Kunkel asked when this plan should be presented to Council. Karen noted that it is on the <br /> June City Council Worksession. . <br /> Chair Kunkel asked if there are any issues that are of significant substance that the group wanted <br /> to discuss. The Mayor said that any strong passions should be incorporated into the Executive <br /> Summary portion of the plan. <br /> Nancy indicated her idea of an issue of substance for her is the City Administrator position. She <br /> indicated she believed the Administrator should have more authority to help with the day to day <br /> activities of the City. She thought maybe the title doesn't have to be changed from <br /> Administrator to Manager,but maybe the Council could give more authority to the Administrator <br /> at their discretion. The Mayor reminded the group if there were a title change,it would have to <br /> go before the citizens of Arden Hills as a referendum and once passed it was not irreversible//��� <br /> Nancy suggested the plan be changed by no longer suggesting the Administrator have a title <br /> change to Manager. Chair Kunkel noted the group needed to vote on this suggestion. Nancy <br /> moved to change paragraph 4 to reflect this change. Dale seconded. The group agreed with the <br /> exception of Ray abstaining. <br /> Chris expressed he thought we should focus on the City Center designation. He asked if the • <br /> group should address this item. Jim said until that TCAAP committee goes through their process <br /> if the EDC should tackle the City Center issue. Chris indicated he thought because of the way <br /> the freeways go through Arden Hills, that it will create an old district and a new district once <br /> TCAAP is developed. The Mayor said there is a lot of action items embedded within the City <br /> Center issue. Chair Kunkel expressed that he doesn't believe the plan should get into tactical <br /> ideas but rather point out the issues. 'Ray,said he believes the Council should be told they need to <br /> plan to spend money on redevelopment. Rob reminded the group that the plan already does state <br /> the City needs to plan for this. Ray said he believes we can't present a 21 page document to the <br /> Council and expect them to approve it. <br /> Nancy said she thought the City had already decided that the downtown district is within <br /> TCAAP and that was evident by where the City Hall was placed. She thought anything south of <br /> 694 is going to become a suburb of Arden Hills and those living there will continue to shop <br /> along County Road E. <br /> Jim said he thought the group that is most interested in the City is south of 694 and there is <br /> always going to be an interest from them in maintaining County Road E. Chair Kunkel said that <br /> area also serves a significant portion of Shoreview. Karen noted she believes we do not have to <br /> designate only one downtown area. <br /> The Mayor said the big burden in the County Road E area is the bridge. <br /> • <br />
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