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A New GoaLGeLProsperous ot <br /> ,RBigger <br /> A.s[ an era of fair.l.y stro­­­­­_ng <br /> ......... ­ <br /> e.....c...o.....-n...o-m-I-c gr tt,....QcQ_n_..o_.m�.i...c,d­.e.v..-.e.I.-..I.O_De.r,I.sI.,n� eed to think more Quality <br /> 0 <br /> than-cluantity;.moreaboutgetti ng.prosperous than simply getting,bigger <br /> (e.a., more lobs and i)eor)le)..-Most.-.economies,-",both­_big_ario,small, still see <br /> gett[Rg-b-!-ggQr-as-,Ib.Q-.jpoi.n-.qoaI of economic development. <br /> In the last 20 Years, the transitional period between the old and the new <br /> gConom __!ggtt <br /> ting_b4' mA-d-esome....sense.because economic grQwth_was slow <br /> -. . ................... <br /> and unemp[oyment. i KQw gv <br /> -h:-gbL- -e r,_evgn_when local and regional economies <br /> werewere weak,jobgrowth was at besta means to two.possible ends: raising the <br /> ­­_1 I...........- ..................... <br /> averagestandardof.Jivin.g in_the metropolitan area, or <br /> poverty,by employingthpsgat thefringes of the The first of <br /> these two Qoals is now more effectively achieved by focusing income <br /> -------------------dy_ _e Ising on 1111, 1-11 <br /> growth per.s,.eand not-job growth as a means,, particularly with the <br /> unemploymentrate at arouncl...._5 percent.. The-second largely a matter <br /> of structural or social reform, such as jobtraining.,..K-12 improvement, and <br /> ...................................I ­­­­­-I�­___111.11 I..............................I........... .............-.......- <br /> solyina the problemof spatial isolation in low-income, inner-city <br /> ncighborh-o-ods.-It_is diffic'u.1t to.....s. ele how programs aimed at undifferentiated, <br /> igb-growth that are not focused onhigher wages or higher-skill jobs Can <br /> opportunities for,the poor than already exist,inmost metro <br /> _e Co 0.o.m-le.5............u.-n- e.S.s_those area-.,.s, are r.e 1.o.s-in.-g lobs or ha e high unemployment. <br /> . . <br /> Unfortunat I _in Most places it is hard to__reverse.e the "go.forgrowth" <br /> .....................................e.Y __ _ ........... s , -...I <br /> politiCal im.g.g! ns....Q.n autopilot...A powerful growth coalitio n. <br /> .exi-sts i-n-mlo's-t metro,a,r,ea.,s,.(Q,g.,,,real estate developers, Chambers of <br /> Commerce-nQw <br /> and utilities, and economic,cle elopment <br /> qptting4igger,_eve1n if the-new jQbs,-pay little <br /> and_th e r Q with the pains of growth. Forexample,.....economic <br /> ..............egion....1s.coping, 11 1­­­_ �_ � , ­ I ­ - <br /> cleveloper.s......i.n. Uart.hern. .Virginia re <br /> ..........ssi,vely recruit new firms even <br /> thoughtrafficCongestion,lis-the.worst in the nation, housing prices among the <br /> highest.and-uDem-pjiay,ment-,ampng-,the lowest., <br /> Strategic Plan for Economic Development Page 16 of 21 <br />