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Chris Ashback inquired as to whether we could use this list to create a map in GIS? Barton <br /> stated she would research it and get back to him. Barton added that she would work with Beane <br /> to merge the lists and gather additional info and bring it back to the EDC at their April meeting. <br /> Bruce Kunkel thanked Beane and Barton for their efforts. <br /> Dale Beane distributed business cards that his company had made for the EDC,pro bono. <br /> Mayor Aplikowski asked everyone to consider inviting business owners and/or managers to our <br /> meetings. Barton requested that she be notified in advance if there would be guests at any of the <br /> upcoming meetings. <br /> Jim Paulet moved to adjourn the meeting; Rob Davidson seconded. Motion carried. <br /> Next meeting will be March 15, 2006 in the City Hall Council Chambers at 7:30 am. <br /> • <br />