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(� CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN <br /> RFP PRESENATION QUESTIONS <br /> 1. Please provide additional detail on the survey process; <br /> 2. Please address how the development of this plan will benefit the <br /> City of Arden Hills (what the end product will be and how it can be <br /> used); <br /> 3. Describe in detail how the SWOT analysis will be conducted and <br /> what the City can hope to gain through this process; <br /> 4. Who specifically will be involved in the development of the plan; <br /> 5. What do you view as the most important elements in the <br /> development of this plan; <br /> 6. Why should the City of Arden Hills select your firm to prepare this <br /> plan; <br /> • <br /> • <br />