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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—SEPTEMBER 28, 2015 10 <br /> Mayor Grant reported he would not agree to a 6.5%tax levy. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if he could support a 3.5%tax levy increase. <br /> Mayor Grant commented that he could support 3.5%this evening, but wanted to see this brought <br /> down before December. <br /> MOTION: Mayor Grant moved and Councilmember Holden seconded a motion to adopt <br /> Resolution #2015-041, Setting the Proposed Maximum Tax Lew at $3,478,775 <br /> (3.5%). <br /> Councilmember McClung indicated he would support a 3.5% tax levy increase in order to avoid <br /> this matter being drawn out further; however, he would not support a tax levy increase above 3% <br /> in December. <br /> The motion carried 3-1 (Holmes opposed). <br /> MOTION: Mayor Grant moved and Councilmember McClung seconded a motion <br /> adopting Resolution #2015-042, Establishing the Truth-In-Taxation Public <br /> Hearing Date for December 14, 2015. The motion carried (4-0). <br /> 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> None. <br /> 11. COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> Mayor Grant thanked City Administrator Klaers for his years of dedicated service to the City of <br /> Arden Hills. He wished him well in his retirement. He thanked Public Works Director Maurer <br /> for his expertise and wished him well in his retirement as well. <br /> Mayor Grant indicated that the TCAAP plan was being reviewed by the Met Council at this <br /> time. He did not believe that some sort of maximum number (1,700) of units should be <br /> considered, but rather that a variety of units should be the focal point in order to meet the needs of <br /> both young and old. He understood that TCAAP would not look like the remainder of Arden <br /> Hills as it would be very densely populated. It was his opinion that the City approved plan with <br /> 1,431 units would still be a great success. He reported that TCAAP would be more dense than <br /> both Minneapolis and St. Paul. He believed that the Council has done a reasonable job to come <br /> up with a reasonable plan for the TCAAP site. He commended staff for their efforts through the <br /> entire TRC and CPA approval process. He looked forward to moving forward with the City's <br /> approved plan. <br /> Mayor Grant encouraged the public to participate in the upcoming State of the City events. The <br /> first meeting will be held on September 291h at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall. He noted that another State <br /> of the City event would be held on Thursday, October 1St at 7:30 a.m. at Flaherty's Arden Bowl. <br /> He explained that the presentations provided at each event would be the same. <br />