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January 1976
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
January 1976
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O F "While gathered around a cup of convivial <br />L/ Christmas cheer a few weeks ago, I compli- <br />mented the editor of this newsletter on the <br />terrific job she was doing. But, I sagely <br />observed, while the newsletter was doing a <br />fine job of reporting news of interest to the <br />village, it lacked editorial punch -- it had no Point of View. "You <br />know, you're right", she quickly replied. "Why don't you write us a nice <br />controversial editorial?" Good grief! I was trapped! There was no al- <br />ternative but to agree to have a go at it. <br />"After postponing the task as long as possible, deadline day arrived and <br />the job had to be faced. It was then that the true horror of the situa- <br />tion really dawned -- I had nothing to write about. While there are <br />probably many controversial subjects to be discussed about our village, <br />I am totally unaware of any of them. The only comfort to be found in the <br />situation is that I suspect I've got lots of company among my fellow Ar- <br />den Hills citizens. To be sure, there is a small cadre of involved cit- <br />izens who labor in relative obscurity to keep our village running smooth- <br />ly, and I'm sure they would welcome participation by more of us in their <br />efforts. <br />"What to do about it? As the old Chinese proverb goes, "A journey of a <br />thousand miles begins with a single step." That single step can be at- <br />tendance at at least one Village Council meeting during 1976. That's <br />going to be my third New Year's resolution (the first two haven't changed <br />for the past twenty years -- to quit smoking and to get my golf score un- <br />der 100.) Council meetings should be less lonely affairs than the few <br />I've attended have been. <br />"The Council could help promote attendance by publishing in advance the. <br />agenda for the meetings so we citizens would know when issues in which <br />we are interested are going to be discussed. (Frankly, I'm not too in- <br />terested in listening to a discussion on whether a quarter acre parcel <br />of land in a remote corner of the village should be rezoned from Z-2 to <br />Q-7, but I would like to know if any rezoning is being considered for my <br />neighborhood.) <br />"Communication is a two-way street. Both the Council and the Village res- <br />idents should resolve to do a better job of it in 1976. See you at a <br />Council meeting!" Cal Meury, 4011 Fairview Ave. North. <br />Ed. Note: Thanks, Cal, for getting a good thing going. Let's hear from <br />more of you out there - and Councilmen too? Write to Arden Association, <br />1822 Venus Ave., or call Janet Hollenhorst, 633-1822. <br />Excerpt from a letter to Arden Hills Village Hall from Insurance Services <br />office of Minn. relevant to change in our fire insurance classification: <br />"A change from Class 7 to Class 6 in the state of Minnesota means some <br />change to the large number of residential occupancies insured under Home- <br />owners, Dwelling or Apartment contracts." -- It is suggested that resi- <br />dents check with their insurance agencies to ascertain if this change in <br />classification has an effect on individual fire insurance protection <br />ra es, <br />
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