<br />Published by the Arden Association
<br />�+ i4o. 114 January 1978
<br />"Famous remarks are very seldom quoted correctly."
<br />- Simeon Strunsky 1879-1948
<br />Notice to dog owners: It's time to get your 1978-79 dog licenses. These are now
<br />good for two years and cost $10.00. Velda Pierson, the gal at the Village Hall who handles
<br />this, says the applications are coming in fairly rapidly, but many people are forgetting
<br />to include the required proof of vaccination against Rabies. In order to get a dog license,
<br />,you need a note from your dog's veternarian that the dog has been vaccinated against rabies
<br />within the past year. There is also a $4.00 late fee if you don't apply before January 1.
<br />Further note on the Parks and Recreation flyer that case with your Town Crier last
<br />months In addition to the four skating areas with no shelters that Arden Hills will try
<br />to take care of this winter (Floral Park, Pentom Townhouses, Arden Manor Park, and Indian
<br />Oaks Court), please add the pond at the corner of Tiller and Carlton. John Buckley, dir-
<br />ector of our Parks, says even though there are no warning houses or attendants at these
<br />pieces of ice, they are used frequently. Arden Hills will try to maintain the ice, flood
<br />when possible, and clear the snow. The opening date of all the rinks is in question however;
<br />the day I talked to John about this, it was raining heavily. But, like Death and Taxes,
<br />Winter will probably come.
<br />Ramsey County is proposing to turn back to Arden Hills the street lights whieh they
<br />iaaintain in our Village. The Public Safety Committee is reviewing this list of lights to
<br />And it looks as though the quotation used here
<br />C N
<br />last month ("The wheels of justice grind exceeding
<br />slow") is a example that Simeon was right.
<br />.
<br />good
<br />I had many phone calls and letters graciously
<br />Rcorrecting
<br />me. Most of the callers said they like
<br />'
<br />the Town Crier, enjoy the way it is written, and
<br />Ithink
<br />I screwed up the quotation. Among my callers
<br />were Harold Dawson, John Kennedy, Jan Hollenhorst,
<br />E
<br />Walter Dunnet, and Carrie Wasley. They all agree
<br />• •
<br />R
<br />that the correct quote iso
<br />"Though the God slowly,
<br />•
<br />mills of grind
<br />• • •
<br />yet they grind exceeding small;
<br />•
<br />Though with patience He stands waiting,
<br />with exactness grinds He all."
<br />(Council, take note:)
<br />This is from the poem Retribution by
<br />Longfellow, which he translated from somebody else.
<br />Carrie Wasley even took the quote to
<br />her law school where they all sat around and figured
<br />it out over coffee. One caller, whose
<br />name I did not catch, said she had had to learn the
<br />passage in school. Tom Mulcahy wrote
<br />and said it took his only 30 seconds to find it in
<br />Evans' Dictionary of Quotations. Well,
<br />of course it's quick and easy- when you're looking
<br />up the right thing. Anyway, thanks so
<br />much everybody; I'll try to do better.
<br />* * *
<br />* * * *
<br />Notice to dog owners: It's time to get your 1978-79 dog licenses. These are now
<br />good for two years and cost $10.00. Velda Pierson, the gal at the Village Hall who handles
<br />this, says the applications are coming in fairly rapidly, but many people are forgetting
<br />to include the required proof of vaccination against Rabies. In order to get a dog license,
<br />,you need a note from your dog's veternarian that the dog has been vaccinated against rabies
<br />within the past year. There is also a $4.00 late fee if you don't apply before January 1.
<br />Further note on the Parks and Recreation flyer that case with your Town Crier last
<br />months In addition to the four skating areas with no shelters that Arden Hills will try
<br />to take care of this winter (Floral Park, Pentom Townhouses, Arden Manor Park, and Indian
<br />Oaks Court), please add the pond at the corner of Tiller and Carlton. John Buckley, dir-
<br />ector of our Parks, says even though there are no warning houses or attendants at these
<br />pieces of ice, they are used frequently. Arden Hills will try to maintain the ice, flood
<br />when possible, and clear the snow. The opening date of all the rinks is in question however;
<br />the day I talked to John about this, it was raining heavily. But, like Death and Taxes,
<br />Winter will probably come.
<br />Ramsey County is proposing to turn back to Arden Hills the street lights whieh they
<br />iaaintain in our Village. The Public Safety Committee is reviewing this list of lights to
<br />