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I I <br />� I <br />ii <br />it <br />Here are the new committee appointments for Arden Hills for 19781 <br />BOARD OF APPEALS <br />Shashi Suri, Chairman <br />E. E. Engelbert Jr. <br />Keith McFarland <br />Mary Alice Slick <br />Mary Swenson <br />FINANCE COMMITTEE <br />Rodney Schumacher, Chairman <br />Thomas Mulcahy, Vice -Chairman <br />Dean Cochran <br />Donald Krieger <br />Ed Menze <br />Kris Poelzer <br />Leland Starr <br />Ross Steele <br />Duane Vaughn <br />HUMAN RIGHTS C OT8!I SS IOTT <br />Year indicates date of ex- <br />piration of term) <br />Garfield Kachel, Chairman, 1978 <br />Cal Meury, Vice -Chairman, 1979 <br />Joy Class, 1979 <br />Barbara Kehrberg, 1980 <br />Barbara Younoszal, 1980 <br />John Kostishach, 1978 <br />L. L. Perrin, 1979 <br />Rose Singer, 1980 <br />Janice Wallraff, 1978 <br />Keith Hanson, Jr. Member <br />Jack Ohman, Jr. Member <br />NEWSLETTER PUBLICATION <br />ave Locey, Chairman <br />Karen Berke <br />Claire Birkeland <br />Katharine Crichton <br />Trudy Harmon <br />Janet Hollenhorst <br />Carmen Koshiol <br />Sue Meneghel <br />Diane McAllister, Secretary - <br />Editor <br />PARKS AND RECREATION <br />Mary Blomquist, Chairman <br />Adele Anderson <br />James Gebhard <br />Tim Glaros <br />Cheryl Grud noske <br />Sharon Hughes <br />Susan Hustings <br />James Moore <br />Douglas Perlick <br />Rosemary Sakal <br />Betty Schlotthauer <br />Rafi Younoszal <br />Dodie Kostishach <br />UNDERGROUND UTILITIES <br />Larry Squires <br />Donald Christoffersen <br />Richard Schultek <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />Thomas Lynch, Chairman <br />James Luban, Vice -Chairman <br />Marjorie Erickson <br />Richard Ericson <br />Maurice Johnson <br />Terence McCloskey <br />Chris Peterson <br />Gary Thorn. <br />Jeanne Winiecki <br />Robert Curtis, 1st Alternate <br />John Hollenhorst, 2nd Alternate <br />PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE <br />Gary Getty, Chairman <br />Richard Ashton <br />Major H. Jones <br />Terry Meury <br />John Picha <br />Gerald Singer <br />Susie Taylor <br />Ronald Herrick <br />PUBLIC WORKS CC18TITTEE <br />Richard Schultek, Chairman <br />Eric Birkeland <br />Michael Holland <br />John Grud noske <br />Chuck Kelly <br />Duane Long <br />Island Starr <br />CIVIL DEFENSE COMMITTEE <br />Henry J. Crepeau, Jr. , Chairman <br />A. J. Schmaedeke, Secretary <br />If you have any questions or concerns in any of these areas, just mention it to one of these <br />people, or give the Village Hall a ring (633-5676) and they will direct you to the correct per- <br />son. While on the subject of committees, it should be noted that the Planning Commission has <br />changed the date _of its regular monthly meeting from the first Tuesday of the month to the first <br />Wednesday. This change will begin in March. <br />Received an enthusiastic letter and phone call from Cheryl Grud noske about the Parents and <br />Children Together (PACT) program now being offered to parents and pre-schoolers in the Valentine <br />Hills attendance area. I wish I could convey her excitement to you (and I wish I could bottle <br />some for myself to use on those -200 days'). Anyway, it sounds like a fantastic program and it <br />is totally FREE; If you belong to this classification (have a pre-schooler and live in the <br />Valentine Hills area), do give Cheryl a call. It's 633-6203. <br />The Public Safety Committee _s currently looking at the additional right -turn lane that <br />has been installed on Hamlin Avenue at the entrance to Cardiac Pacemakers. Arden Hills did <br />'not create this traffic lane, and there is some question as to its safety. If a car comes up <br />the ramp from the high-speed traffic on Snelling Ave. and gets caught in this right -turn lane <br />without meaning to turn right, there is nothing straight ahead except a telephone pole. So <br />be careful. <br />