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May 1979
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
May 1979
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PE stick to the four buildings as originally planned, or if he could switch to two. <br />It was generally felt that two buildings would be better, and that underground <br />parking should be required. The plans are to convert the apartments into condo- <br />miniums in about four years. <br />Fascinating meetings at both Planning Commission and at Council concern- <br />ing the request to build two earth -sheltered homes in Karth Lake Estates. The <br />location appears to be ideal because the back of the homes the north side) <br />would be built into a hill along Highway 96, while the front (the south) would <br />be open to the sun. <br />A problem arose when it was mentioned that Arden Hills does not allow <br />occupancy of a "cellar", and according to our definition of a "cellar" (more <br />than I of floor to ceiling height below the average grade), that's what an <br />earth -sheltered house is. <br />It was finally decided, after untold hours of discussion, to grant a var- <br />iance for these two particular homes and to have a Planning Commission sub- <br />committee come up with a definition of "earth -sheltered house". Everyone wants <br />to encourage the development of this type of housing because of the terrific <br />R amount of energy it saves, but several Councilmen expressed concern over the <br />aesthetics also. What if an owner just built a regular house in a regular <br />neighborhood and then covered it with 18" of dirt? Councilman Hanson said he <br />might have a little difficulty accepting this. <br />It was also decided, for the time being, to consider each earth -sheltered <br />home on an individual basis. <br />Q. - n� <br />"Well, it meets all the Building Codes!" <br />Arden Hills is currently investigating criteria to determine the use of <br />"No Parking" signs. Apparently there is a problem at each end of Venus Avenue, <br />which is in a residential neighborhood, because of the way the road curves into <br />the connecting streets. When cars are parked on both sides of the curves, it <br />is almost impossible for emergency vehicles, snow plows, and garbage trucks to <br />get past. The City Engineer is trying to figure something out. <br />Along with this problem, the word "intersection" occured. Is it an "inter- <br />section" when one street meets another at 900 but does not cross? And how <br />about Connelly Avenue which forms a loop around Flaherty's, makes two 900 turns <br />and is still the same road? What this town needs is a City Lexicologist (one <br />who studies and compiles the meanings of words ). He could also tell us what <br />is a "drive-in", an "entrance monument", an "earth -sheltered home", a "cellar", <br />a "flood", etc. etc. <br />POTPOURRI: Arden Hills has decided not to buy the page in the AH-SV-Vadnais <br />Heights -North Oaks directory that lists all the churches, schools, etc. in AH. <br />It costs $345 ...... The entrance monuments for Briarknoll were finally turned <br />down by the Council for several reasons..... The Village is going to buy a new <br />soft drink dispenser at a cost of $250. The price will continue at 20¢ per <br />bottle and all profits will go into the General Fund ..... The Public Works Dept. <br />' is going to get a new pick-up truck.... <br />The Ramsey County Sheriff's Department is changing its policy and will now <br />accept reports of minor theft losses (under $100) by telephone.....Brighton <br />' Veterinary Hospital is the place that our Community Service Officer takes your <br />
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