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Traffic Study—All new developments, redevelopments, and significant modifications to a site <br /> will require a traffic study unless waived by the City Council. This is to ensure that any new <br /> • developments or uses do not overburden the roads to a greater extent and to help determine when <br /> road improvements are needed. <br /> Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation—This section focuses on connecting businesses to sidewalks <br /> and completing the sidewalk system along County Road E and Lexington Avenue. As part of <br /> the development the property would be expected to complete the sidewalk. <br /> This section includes a notable new provision that could, at the City's discretion, allow a <br /> developer to pay the City the cost of constructing the sidewalk along the right-of-way instead of <br /> actually constructing the sidewalk. While this provision is unlikely to be used in the B2 District, <br /> it could be helpful in other districts where the sidewalk system is even less developed and <br /> constructing one small section of sidewalk may not make sense. <br /> Environmental Conservation and Sustainability—The draft 2030 Comprehensive Plan includes a <br /> chapter on environmental conservation and sustainability. This section will need additional <br /> detail in the future,but staff felt it was important to introduce it into the Zoning Code now to <br /> encourage such practices. <br /> Findings of Fact <br /> Staff offers the following findings for consideration: <br /> • l. The City Council adopted the "Guiding Plan for the B2 District" on October 27, <br /> 2008. <br /> 2. The proposed design standards are in substantial conformance with the Guiding Plan. <br /> 3. The proposed design standards would work toward implementing the <br /> recommendations in the Guiding Plan. <br /> Notice <br /> Notice was published in the Arden Hills/Shoreview Bulletin and notice was prepared by the City <br /> and mailed to properties within the B2 District. <br /> Public Comments <br /> The City did not receive any public comments prior to releasing this report. <br /> Staff Recommendation <br /> City o'Arden Hills <br /> Planning Commission Meeting for November 5, 2008 <br /> I AhdoesllahlAHdatalPlanninglPlamting Cases 12008108-028 B2 Design StandardsIII0508-PC report-B2 Design Standards.doc <br /> Page 7 of 8 <br />