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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—DECEMBER 14, 2015 4 <br /> Acting City Administrator Iverson provided comment on the changing market values for 2016 <br /> in Arden Hills and how the median value home would be impacted by the shift. She encouraged <br /> homeowners that had questions with their estimated market value to contact Ramsey County. The <br /> City's tax history was reviewed along with a comparison of the Arden Hills' tax rate compared to <br /> neighboring communities. She reported that the City was proposing a 3.5% tax levy increase <br /> which was primarily made up of public safety cost increases and employee COLA. The general <br /> fund revenues and expenditures were also discussed. <br /> Staff reviewed the budget further with the Council and recommended comments be taken from the <br /> public. <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned why staffing in recreation was going up 25% in 2016. <br /> Acting City Administrator Iverson explained that this was due to a reclassification of the Park <br /> and Recreation position within the City. <br /> Mayor Grant requested the gateway sign expenditure be removed from the budget. <br /> Acting City Administrator Iverson stated that this has been removed from the 2016 budget. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked why the City was proposing to spend more than it was bringing <br /> in. <br /> Acting City Administrator Iverson indicated that staff prepared the budget according to <br /> conservative estimates for both revenues and expenditures. <br /> Mayor Grant opened the Truth-In-Taxation hearing at 7:40 p.m. <br /> Grant Wishart, 1424 Arden Oaks Drive, reported that he has lived in the City for the past 32 <br /> years. He is concerned with the substantial increase (12%) to the value of his home. He <br /> understood that this would have to be discussed with the County. <br /> Acting City Administrator Iverson encouraged Mr. Wishart to contact Ramsey County to <br /> discuss his homes value. She discussed how the County uses home sale comparables to set <br /> property tax increases. <br /> Gregg Larson, 3377 North Snelling Avenue, discussed the proposed budget and tax levy. He <br /> feared that the comparisons being made by staff between the City's tax rate to neighboring <br /> communities is meaningless due to varying populations, property values and percentage of <br /> commercial property. He encouraged staff to find other ways to demonstrate that the City's <br /> finances are being managed responsibly. He questioned why the City has not taken advantage of <br /> low bond rates in order to fund critical park and trail needs. He believed that this would have <br /> been a positive fiscal step for the City. He was surprised that the City presented a critical need to <br /> the public that has not been addressed in the past two years. He mentioned that the citizens were <br /> not in favor of franchise fees, but were more in favor of property increases to build reserve funds. <br />
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