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4.The capability to accumulate votes on ballot counters located in each <br />precinct on election day, at other locations prior to election day, and from <br />absentee ballot counting centers, to protect voted ballots in a sealed ballot <br />box; to generate paper tapes of election results for review and certification <br />by election judges; and to electronically upload or transmit election results <br />to the County; and <br />5.The capability to compile election results from electronically transmitted <br />files from each precinct through use of the memory device which recorded <br />votes from the precinct and/or from the election results tape; to create an <br />election results database that may be used for displaying results on the <br />County website; and to generate needed reports for certification of election <br />results. <br />C. System Equipment <br />The County will purchase System hardware and software (collectively referred to as the "System <br />Equipment") as initially needed for use of the System by the County and the Municipalities. The <br />System Equipment to be purchased by the County for implementation of the System under the <br />terms of this Agreement is listed as the System Equipment Costs—Total in the System <br />Equipment List, attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement as Appendix A. <br />D. Implementation Services <br />1.The County will provide services, including training, related to the <br />implementation of the System by the County and the Municipalities, as described <br />in Appendix B - Implementation Services, attached hereto and made a part of this <br />Agreement. <br />2.The County will provide implementation project management services through a <br />Project Manager. Joseph Mansky, or his designee, shall serve as Project Manager <br />for the County. <br />3.The goal is to have the System implemented and ready for use by the County and <br />the Municipalities in time for the 2016 state primary. At the discretion of the <br />County, the implementation of the System may be delayed for initial use at the <br />2016 state general election or a future election. <br />3