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City of Arden Hills Personnel Policy Effective February 29,2016 <br />Employees legally in possession of a firearm for which the employee holds a valid <br />permit, if required, and said firearm is secured within an attended personal vehicle or <br />concealed from view within a locked unattended personal vehicle while that person is <br />working on City property. <br />A person who is showing or transferring the weapon or firearm to a police officer as <br />part of an investigation. <br />Police officers and employees who are in possession of a weapon or firearm in the <br />scope of their official duties. <br />Employee Response to Disrespectful Workplace Behavior <br />Employees who believe that disrespectful behavior is occurring are encouraged to deal <br />with the situation in one of the ways listed below. However, if the allegations involve <br />violent behavior, sexual harassment, or discriminatory behavior, then the employee is <br />responsible for taking one of the actions below. If employees see or overhear a violation <br />of this policy, they are encouraged to follow the steps below. <br />Ste 1(a). Politely, but firmly, tell whoever is engaging in the disrespectful behavior how <br />you feel about their actions. Politely request the person to stop the behavior because you <br />feel intimidated, offended, or uncomfortable. If practical, bring a witness with you for <br />this discussion. <br />Ste 1 b . If you fear adverse consequences could result from telling the offender or if <br />the matter is not resolved by direct contact, go to your supervisor or City Administrator. <br />The person to whom you speak is responsible for documenting the issues and for giving <br />you a status report on the matter no later than ten business days after your report. <br />Ste 1(c). In the case of violent behavior, all employees are required to report the <br />incident immediately to their supervisor, Director of Administrative Services, or the City <br />Administrator. Any employee who observes sexual harassment or discriminatory <br />behavior, or receives any reliable information about such conduct, must report it within <br />two business days to a supervisor or the Director of Administrative Services. <br />Step 2. If, after what is considered to be a reasonable length of time (for example, 30 <br />days), you believe inadequate action is being taken to resolve your complaint/concern, <br />the next step is to report the incident to the City Administrator or the Mayor. <br />Supervisor's Response to Allegations of Disrespectful Workplace Behavior <br />Employees who have a complaint of disrespectful workplace behavior will be taken <br />seriously. In the case of sexual harassment or discriminatory behavior, a supervisor must <br />report the allegations within two business days to the Director of Administrative Services, <br />who will determine whether an investigation is warranted. A supervisor must act upon <br />such a report even if requested otherwise by the victim. In situations other than sexual <br />harassment and discriminatory behavior, supervisors will use the following guidelines <br />when an allegation is reported: <br />Step 1. If the nature of the allegations and the wishes of the victim warrant a simple <br />intervention, the supervisor may choose to handle the matter informally. The supervisor <br />73