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City of Arden Hills Personnel Policy Effective February 29,2016 <br />Avoid "forwarding" e-mail to a third party unless necessary (see "carbon copying). When <br />forwarding, explain the reason for the forwarding action and edit out any potentially <br />inappropriate contents. If in doubt about the appropriateness of forwarding a given piece <br />of mail, check with the originator for guidance. <br />When sending an e-mail requiring "action," be sure to indicate which mail recipient(s) <br />is/are to take action. <br />Do not "say" anything in an e-mail message that could prove embarrassing or <br />compromising to you, the City, or others. Each employee is responsible for the content of <br />all text, audio, or images they transmit. <br />Avoid potentially contentious exchanges through e-mail. <br />Confidential and sensitive information such as performance reviews, disciplinary and/or <br />corrective actions, attorney-client privileged information, personnel information, private <br />data as outlined in the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, and health or medical <br />information should not be communicated via e-mail. <br />Communications which would be inappropriate under other City policies are equally <br />unacceptable if delivered via electronic communication. These communications may <br />include, but are not limited to, harassing or discriminatory comments, breaches of <br />confidentiality, and insubordinate statements. <br />Use your common sense in determining when to use e-mail, in what is said, and to whom. <br />Remember that electronic communication is not private and the City reserves the right to <br />monitor and review all communications originating from or entering its computer systems. <br />Computer Use <br />Most City business is conducted with the use of desktop, notebook computers, or cell <br />phones dedicated to a single user's activity. It is essential to protect City information <br />assets createdgam, shared or stored with desktop, notebook computers, cell phones <br />related computer media (e g flash drives) and peripherial equipment such as fax machines, <br />printers and copiers This is subject to the City's Computer Use Policy. Employees are <br />required to annually signoff on this policy. <br />Security and Virus Protection <br />E-mail and/or internet access may utilize passwords for security; however employees <br />should be aware that the reliability of such tools for maintaining confidentiality cannot be <br />guaranteed. Additionally, all passwords must be made known to the City through the <br />Director of Administration, and passwords not known to the City shall not be used. <br />88