Laserfiche WebLink
City of Arden Hills Personnel Policy Effective February 29,2016 <br />Social Networking" — Offers a way for registered users to communicate with each <br />other on the internet, usually offering many ways to connect to other registered users. <br />These websites fall under four categories: <br />Conversation—blogs, message boards, Twitter <br />Social Networking— Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn <br />Content Sharing—YouTube, Flickr, Digg, Delicious <br />Collaboration—Wikipedia, Micropublishing <br />These websites can offer many different ways for users to interface such as instant <br />messaging, blogging and commenting, microblogging, status updates, online forums, <br />website link sharing, video conferencing, sharing photos, videos, etc. <br />Microblogging (Twitter)" —This is a form of blogging that allows registered users <br />to post short updates (140 characters or less) about themselves and their activities. <br />General Standards <br />The City of Arden Hills' social media websites and online community accounts and <br />their associated content should focus on significant City interest areas and be organized <br />in a manner that avoids duplication, ambiguities, and/or conflicting information. <br />Social Media Web Site Responsibility <br />It is the responsibility of the Director of Finance and Administrative Services or his/her <br />designee to ensure all City policies are followed when employees are establishing a City of <br />Arden Hills social media site or the applicable Department Director when interacting <br />with social media sites in the course of the employee's scheduled work. <br />1. All postings to City of Arden Hills social media sites may be subject to review by <br />the City Clerk, Department Director (as applicable) and/or the City Administrator <br />and may be deleted without notice. <br />2. Additional or significantly amended social media websites, intended to be <br />established for the benefit of the City of Arden Hills via individual employees or <br />departments, must be approved by the Director of Administrative Services or <br />his/her designee and the City Administrator. The employee is responsible for <br />providing documentation on the benefits of using social media networks for their <br />specific job functions as justification for approval of the additional or significantly <br />amended social media sites. It is the responsibility of the employee's supervisor to <br />review work impacts to assure that using social media does not negatively affect <br />the employee's day-to-day job performance. <br />3. Administration of all social media websites and online community accounts must <br />comply with applicable laws, regulations and policies as well as proper business <br />93